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News :: Media

Ajinomoto, Aspartame & Brain Tumors: Recipe for Death

Ajinomoto, is the Japanese producer of aspartame. They have been putting out propaganda for years stumbling the public into thinking its safe. Here are the facts.

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News :: Activism

Activist's Organizing Tool Page

Seek and You May Find...

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News :: Activism

9/11 Report Card Hearing-Cspan-Tonight

10:10 EDT, tonight Aug 24

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News :: Middle East

the real dead

my daughter has just returned from iraq ...she is an 91W medic first responce....she has been there 16 months and says the REAL US body count is 8793 at last report 6/23/05

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News :: Right Wing

Sibel Edmonds Speaks

What connection does Sibel Edmonds' story have to the prosecution of Larry Franklin, Steve Rosen, and Keith Weissman of the Pentagon/AIPAC spy scandal? And for that matter, to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001? The answer has something to do with international drug, weapon, and money-laundering rings, and their ties to terrorists and unnamed officials of the Departments of State and Defense.

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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

pieces of the dream

it's been 43 years since martin luther king, jr. delivered his 'i have a dream' speech. what happened to that dream?

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News :: Civil & Human Rights



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News :: Globalization : Protest Activity : War in Iraq

Adopt an Intersection- Coordinated Direct Action

From September 23-26, thousands of people will descend upon DC to resist the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the capitalist war in Iraq.

The Adopt an Intersection Campaign (AIC) is a coordinated, decentralized direct action campaign with the goal of interfering with the delegates’ ability to get to the World Bank by shutting down all or part of downtown DC. This can be done by creating space for a diversity of tactics, not favoring nor condemning any tactic.

Adopt an Intersection is solidarity in the streets, blockading for a brighter future.

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News :: Asia


Just a funny coincidence? I doubt it sincerely. 350 bombs go off simultaneously, like a test for bush nukes here in usa, then a tsunami like ENMOD event there...mossad members left country en masse last week...they know...either that or they know how the people will react when it is revealed they are all radiation damaged by fortress ENMOD tech done on us by beezlebub bush...this smells like more bush/blair nwo terror to me.

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News :: Crime & Police

Walmart Kills Houston Man for Shoplifting


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