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Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


Commentary :: Right Wing

Next Supreme Court Justice to Solidify Right Wing, Neoliberal Control

Obama likely to shift the court further to the right

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News :: Activism

observations at a tea party event

new kids on the radical block

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Commentary :: Environment

Culture of Profit

The 2010 Worldwatch Report was compiled by 60 scholars. "To avoid collapse, nothing less is urged than a revolution of the dominant cultural model, the replacement of our consumer culture with a model of sustainable prosperity."

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Interview :: Activism

Interview with Social Justice Activist Anai Rhoads

RARE!!! A no-name blogger scored an interview with Anai Rhoads, a well known social justice activist. Perplexed why she would acquiesce such an interview. The blogger couldn't even spell her name right. Check out Rhoads' comments on immigration..

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News :: Education

BDS Loses Big at Berkeley


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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

Accelerating Fascism in Israel

Israel is a militarized police state

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News :: Globalization

El deber sagrado de Mexico

El deber encomendado por Dios

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News :: Crime & Police

Problems with Security at Federal Buildings Continue, GAO Report Finds

Guy James, President of the Federal Contract Guards of America FCGOA said he agrees with FPS Director Gary Schenkel who said, "While we believe we can effectively secure federal buildings with the current mix of highly trained federal staff and contract guards, the GEO report confirms what he has been saying all along. "Until we address the lack of funding, understaffing problems, certification requirements, and the failure to set a uniformed higher level of training requirements for both federal protective service contract companies and guards, you will continue to have problems protecting these federal facilities against a terrorist or criminal attack".

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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

Israel's Infiltration Prevention Bill

Israel accelerating toward fascism

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News :: Activism

NYPD Raids Filmfest Collective

Summary: Text documentation and video URL of an April 13th raid, without warrant, by the NYPD, upon an anarchist film festival collective.

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