News :: Activism
impeach and execute bush
treason will bring the death sentence to the scumbag who deserves it most in the world today...
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News :: Media
News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/14/05)
Ethnically cleansing the poor in New Orleans.
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AFL-CIO in Solidarity with Locked Out Canadian Workers
On 09/12/05, a rally was held in Washington, D.C., in solidarity with the 5,500 Canadian Media Guild (CMG) members, who have been locked out of their jobs. Linda Foley, President of the TNG-CWA; Larry Cohen of the CWA; and John Sweeney, President of the AFL-CIO, all blasted the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) for their deplorable tactics. They then presented letters of support for the CMG to an Embassy of Canada official.
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Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights : Health Care
Support radical hurricane relief projects
13 Sep 2005
Chuck Munson
Volunteers are needed right now in New Orleans who can provide medical care, help with clean up, do construction, report on the situation, and help people organize to save their communities.
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News :: Protest Activity
Protests In Aug Show Peace Movement Growing
13 Sep 2005
D. Burbeck
A woman in NYC disrobes to display "Stop the War" painted on her body, and a man in Binghamton places 1,800 US Flags in is yard to protest the War in Iraq. But there were many, many more who devoted a few hours to show dissent against the war.
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Announcement :: Activism : Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police
Stop Texas Execution of Frances Newton Sept 14

An urgent appeal for you and others to contact the Texas Governor to vacate the Sept 14 execution date of Frances Newton. There is evidence in her case that has not been considered.
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News :: Media
News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/13/05)
US military lays waste to Tal Afar.
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News :: Animal Rights
call fema and the white house - demand animal rescue
12 Sep 2005
miz kittinz
stranded animals starving to death in New Orleans while national guard stands by and keeps animal rescuers away
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News :: Crime & Police
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