News :: Activism
24 Jul 2006
Leonard Windsor, Esq.
click here:
Please copy, e-mail and distribute as widely as possible.
*In the past few days Israel has killed hundreds of Lebanese and Palestinian civilians—in many cases wiping out entire families—in clear violation of international law. I am dismayed that, despite the indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas, the U.S. has stifled any attempts to bring the matter to the United Nations in hopes of reaching a resolution. I demand that my representatives speak out against the war crimes taking place in the Middle East right now.
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News :: Media
Dying forest: one year to save the Amazon
News Junkie Scott's Blog (7/24/06)
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Enron demise linked to Energy Task Force meetings?
One could imagine what would happen if Enron failed to agree with the 2001 Energy Group meeting’s proposals, while having first hand information about their content and their implications for the covert policy the Bush administration is so notorious for.
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Announcement :: Elections & Legislation
Why Heloisa
24 Jul 2006
Barão de Itararé
Our existence, as sovereign Nation and organized society, is in danger. Since 1981, the national income for inhabitant stopped to progress. An entire generation never saw Brazilian development. About 65% of our young people, between 14 and 24 years, they do not study nor work.
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Israel, Lebanon, and Gaza: Some Reports
Israel, Lebanon, and Gaza: some reports on the war by independent journalists.
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(1 comment)
News :: Activism
Death to Our Enemies - A God Exclusive
Again, soldiers everywhere, my friends, CBC, CNN, and FOXNews
Zionist demon liar broadcasters KNOW the bushmob did 911, but
forbid US to communicate freely for Justice. Instead, they
wish US to war against each other for their demonic pleasures.
Instead of me needlessly slaughtering ignorant ungodly bushite
dumfuks, let's support the FBI's conclusion, on who TRULY
funded the terrorist operations of 911 to nab the REAL EVIL
doers. Or, suffer more from the tyrannies of YOUR cowardice
to stand up for yourself as worth something.
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Israel, Lebanon, Palestinian Conflict: an Educational Solution
24 Jul 2006
Myron (Mike) Stagman, PhD
Public Information Campaigns, conducted in Israel, are vitally needed to educate the Israeli Public to (1) the illusory threat of a free and independent Palestine, indeed how this would benefit Israel, and (2) the stain left on the Jewish heritage and the soul of Israel by such persistent aggression.
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Announcement :: Media
A Wikipedia by and for Anarchists
software movement and employs the participatory wiki software. We're very hopeful of the way
that this project can help us document our resistance, network and inform ourselves in ways which were recently much more difficult for many activists.
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News :: War in Iraq
Estados Unidos: siempre al lado de Israel
24 Jul 2006
Karen Miller
La negativa de Estados Unidos a promover el cese al fuego en la agresión israelí contra Líbano y la entrega de bombas de alta precisión a Tel Aviv corroboran la complicidad de Washington en la embestida bélica.
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One Man’s Direct Opposition to World War III
24 Jul 2006
Ezra Niesen

Religious fundamentalists' use of religious dogma as political ideology is quickly escalating from evolution vs. inelligent design to World War III and Armageddon. FREE audio book on how evolutionary science can be used to turn the tide against religious fundamentalism.
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