News :: International Relations
Fidel, con los pobres de la tierra
24 Aug 2006
Piero Gleijeses
Afirma profesor estadounidense que no conoce otro país más que Cuba para el cual el altruismo haya sido un componente tan clave de su política exterior, y que eso es lo que representa Fidel para él.
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24 Aug 2006
Stephen lendman
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The Deafening Silence
24 Aug 2006
Michael Phillips
The abysmal response to the brutal attack by Israel on Lebanon in which so many voices we expected in opposition were mute. But it is not too late as this silence could encourage Bush to invade other countries.
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News :: Media
Observations suggesting the use of small hydrogen bombs
News Junkie Scott's Blog (8/24/06)
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LOCAL News :: Environment
Demonstration August 26th at NOAA
23 Aug 2006
climate kid
One year after Hurricane Katrina
Demonstration August 26th at NOAA's National Headquarters in Silver Spring, Md
Join Us As We Demand:
Justice for Katrina Survivors!
NOAA Leadership: Stop the Global Warming Cover-Up!
Katrina survivors and national leaders will speak about climate change. Activists will read aloud the names of hundreds of people still missing from Katrina.
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News :: Globalization : Media : Military : Miscellaneous : Peace
Archbishop Fiorenza, Assassination & the Houston 911-2B
23 Aug 2006
Captain Eric H. May
Sergeant First Class Donald Buswell, a member of the mysterious cyber-intelligence group, Ghost Troop, recently became a worldwide figure of interest with the mainstream publication of the Army's reaction to his "911 heresey." He failed to uphold the official line of 19 Arabs with boxcutters doing the 911 attacks, and for that is now a target. There's a deeper, more sinister story of just how far the Army went to try to silence its best know dissident, and how little Catholic Church officials who knew of his predicament were willing to do to defend him.
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News :: Media
US media frenzy over JonBenet murder carries on
US media frenzy over JonBenet murder carries on
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News :: Activism : Asia : Civil & Human Rights : Elections & Legislation
PHILIPPINES: Impeachment killers, murderers of justice!
22 Aug 2006
AKBAYAN (Citizens Action Party)

“Murderers of justice! This is what Congressmen who will vote for the dismissal of the impeachment complaint against Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (GMA) will be remembered as.”, said AKBAYAN (Citizens Action Party) President Ronald Llamas today on the information that the House Committee on Justice will terminate the impeachment proceedings today.
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News :: Children : Media : Military : Miscellaneous : Peace
The Hidden Draft in Our Schools
22 Aug 2006
Captain Eric H. May
With a vast majority of the US public disapproving of the quicksand war in Iraq, how can American educators continue to allow unchecked and unscrupulous recruiting in our high schools? A former Army officer takes a look at the problem of gutless school leaders who let their students be turned into Bush League cannon fodder -- then offers some suggestions on how to change things.
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