Pinochet, chief of the mass murderers, dies
12 Dec 2006
Clase contra Clase
His death does not mark the end of Pinochetism. People are declaring themselves admirers of his work. Some more shamefully than others, they declare themselves his admirers, his followers, his heirs. They must pay for his entire legacy. The indictment for the crimes of Pinochet's dictatorship, which the human rights organizations have upheld valiantly and tirelessly for years, against his civilian and military collaborators, does not expire with the death of their leader.
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America: Freedom To Fascism by Aaron Russo
12 Dec 2006
Michael Treis
As America: Freedom To Fascism by Aaron Russo premiered across the US in October it drew full houses and standing room only and standing ovations by the crowd.
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News :: Media
Oil producers shun dollar
News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/12/06)
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News :: Class : Elections & Legislation : Environment : U.S. Government
More trouble in Pelosi's privatized Presidio National Park
11 Dec 2006
If you want to stop needless, inappropriate luxury development in San Francisco's Presidio National Park, now's the time to send your comments, and here's where to send them.
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News :: Civil & Human Rights
United States v. George W. bush et al. - Conspiracy to defraud the United States.
11 Dec 2006
Johnny Wizard
No, it's real. Now, give some support for ourselves you
forsaken lugs. For example, I would be willing, if asked,
happily present documentary evidence for the Grand Jury's land
slide decision to defend Americans from the ungodly zionist
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News :: Baltimore MD
Nutcracker Dec 16th and 17th
10 Dec 2006
Howard County Ballet
Nutcracker Dec 16th and 17th at the Rouse Theater in Columbia, MD
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News :: Activism : Asia : Civil & Human Rights : Elections & Legislation : Protest Activity
Philippines: Charter Change is Arroyo's Cover-up
10 Dec 2006
Democratic Left-Philippines

AKBAYAN (Citizens Action Party) today stepped up efforts to derail attempts at the House of Representatives to initiate Charter Change (Cha Cha), calling the move as nothing more than an attempt to cover up the seething political crisis hounding Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (GMA).
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News :: Media
US, Iraqi troops seal off Haditha
News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/10/06)
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News :: Globalization
Kingdom Come
10 Dec 2006
Robert Meade Israel Deaf Messenger
This is a perfected version of "Israel, A Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken". Leave it on front page and watch God do His work against those camping against you.
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