News :: Asia : Civil & Human Rights : Gender and Sexuality : International Relations : U.S. Government
Philippines: shameless act of collaboration of the Arroyo regime and the U.S. government
02 Jan 2007
Task Force Subic Rape (TFSR)

"It's an utterly shameless act of collaboration of the Arroyo regime
and the U.S. government."
This was the statement of Myrla Baldonado, spokesperson of Task Force
Subic Rape (TFSR) on the stealthy transfer of custody of Daniel Smith
from the Makati City Jail to the U.S. Embassy.
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News :: Elections & Legislation
Unholy Communion
...and the disgusting freaks of xtianty
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Democrats Waffling On Iraq War
01 Jan 2007
Stewart A. Alexander
Only days and weeks before the November 2006 Mid-Term Elections Democrats nationwide took hard line positions against the Iraq War; many Democrats were predicting the possibility of ending America’s involvement within 4 to 6 months into the new year, others predicting by the end of 2007; now less than 60 days since the elections most Democrats are projecting that American involvement could extend well into 2008 or beyond.
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News :: Media
Student-run infoshop opens
31 Dec 2006
Peter McCoy
Earlier this month, a student-run non-profit infoshop celebrated its grand opening at The Evergreen State College (TESC) in Olympia, Washington, USA. Using the guise of a state funded student group, volunteers of The Evergreen Infoshoppe were allotted over $4,000 to purchase radical books, zines, and videos for their lending library and resource center. After only a few weeks of planning, the Infoshoppe now hosts an ever-growing collection in a permanent, centrally located and nearly autonomous location.
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News :: Media
Corporations taking over New Jersey's lucrative toll-roads
News Junkie Scott's New Year's Eve Blog (12/31/06). Will Baltimore 'Indymedia' censor it?
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Former Longtime Confidant Acceses Ariel Sharon of Assassinating Yasser Arafat
31 Dec 2006
Stephen Lendman
Ariel Sharon likely poisoned Yasser Arafat
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Are We Committing Genocide in Iraq?
31 Dec 2006
Ken Meyercord
Is the current violence in Iraq "sectarian" or something more sinister?
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Selective Justice and the Execution of Saddam Hussein
31 Dec 2006
Gregory Elich
The transformation of Saddam Hussein from ally to enemy
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The Eye of Justice on Bush and Olmert
30 Dec 2006

Brief commentary on Bush and Olmert in view of the recent execution of Saddam Hussein
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