Washington No Match For Big Oil
07 Mar 2007
Stewart A. Alexander
Most of the Democratic and Republican presidential hopefuls are reluctant to challenge big oil, insurance companies, health care providers and many of the big corporations that are driving up inflation because these candidates for president will be relying on the same big corporations to contribute the hundreds of millions necessary for a successful campaign in 2007 and 2008. The Democrats and Republicans are selling America to the highest bidders.
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The Sacco and Vanzetti Case Revisited
On August 23, 1927, the State of Massachusetts executed two-Italian born immigrants for their alleged roles in the murders and robbery of a payroll clerk and his security guard on April 15, 1920. The condemned, Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, were militant anarchists. A mockery of a fair trial led to their ultimate fate. Professor Deborah Contrada revisits their case and concludes that there was “reasonable doubt, easily” as to their guilt.
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LOCAL Announcement :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Education : Miscellaneous
Baltimore Free University Begins Registration for Spring 2007
06 Mar 2007
Gregg Mosson
The Baltimore Free University is a project offering classes in Baltimore on a medley of topics from local experts for $10. Classes last 2 weeks to 6 weeks.
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Announcement :: Activism : Asia : Civil & Human Rights : International Relations : Military
An Appeal to Philippine President Arroyo

Stop agrarian violence and killing of farmers!
Implement agrarian reform in contentious landholdings!
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News :: Media
Gonzales pressuring ISPs
News Junkie Scott's Blog (3/05/07)
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Time for a Revolution
05 Mar 2007
Philip Bethge and Christian West
This is the time for a revolution, not for half-hearted actions, said retiring French president jacques Chirac. Despite higher prices, energy still has an aura of inexhaustibility. Renewable energy has an 18% share in worldwide electricity production.
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News :: Baltimore MD : Children : Education : Elections & Legislation : Environment
Big Oil Rips-Off Americans
03 Mar 2007
Anna Gomez
Big Oil is stealing our oil and is refusing to pay their fair share of royalties on oil removed from USA Public Lands. Bush has already given Big Oil over $15 billion in tax breaks and other subsidies; while working Americans struggle to pay their income taxes. This is another Slap to American Families.
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Gay Equality Needs to Get Out of the Religious Civil Wars!
03 Mar 2007
James Nimmo
The time is here that our gay equality leaders recognize that our civil equality will not be won in an endless contest of dueling bible verses.
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