News :: Media
US Navy refuses to disclose sonar use in whales lawsuit
News Junkie Scott's Blog (3/25/07)
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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Culture
History expressed in detergent sales
How vulnerable are we for the sheer lack of knowledge and what surrounds us, if we continue to count on CNN, Fox, ABC, NBC, CBS and other toxic sources designed to deliver large portions of Nielson's share to the advertisers. I admit it's a loaded question but in no way less valid.
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A Review of John Ross' Zapatistas
23 Mar 2007
Stephen Lendman
Review of Zapatistas' struggle for autonomy and freedom.
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News :: Media
The Lord's Press Release 3/16
23 Mar 2007
Bobby Meade
"Wingnuttery?" How many Bush Nazis you got? Are you missing any? I bet you didn't miss them a bit! "Walk right in. Sit right down. Baby let your hair hang down. Everybody's talking about a new way of walking. Do you want to lose your mind?" The March 16th edition makes clear that there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed. 9/11 is exposed! Heed my words and I will tell you great and hidden things you do not know. Bush Daddy says that the English made the Potato Famine happen. Lets catch the culprit soon. Then Bush Daddy said that the English Jews did it. So I reminded him that his Walker forefather was an English Jew. I've given them 72 hours to solve this. Do you think they are balking? I think their time is up 2/15/07. As for Ireland, I want to know what kind of people live there today. Was the Potato Famine a plot to uproot and supplant a population?
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News :: Asia
What Dead Rajive Gandhi told Rahul Gandhi on Babri Masjid ?
but worse, he has quoted his father, the late Rajiv Gandhi, as telling him that had he been at the helm of affairs he would have never allowed the masjid to brought down. This is again typical of a politician who speaks before thinking. Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated three years before the Babri event and could not have discussed the event with anyone, leave alone his son. Dead men do tell tales in some form or the other, as we all know, but not the tales of which they knew nothing when they were alive.
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News :: Activism : Asia : Civil & Human Rights : Elections & Legislation : International Relations
Philippines: On PERC Corruption Survey
23 Mar 2007
AKBAYAN (Citizens' Action Party-list)

Gloria Macapagal Arroyo reaping the fruits of her folly
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LOCAL Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights
Major Mobilization for Farmworker Justice - Three weeks to go!
In just a few short weeks, farmworkers from the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) and their allies will travel from Immokalee, FL – home of one of the largest farmworker communities in the country – to Chicago, IL, home of the world’s largest restaurant chain, McDonald’s. The "2007 Truth Tour: Behind the Golden Arches” will culminate in two national days of action on April 13th and 14th in the Chicago area marking a new phase in the Campaign for Fair Food. Now is the time to finalize plans to join us for these historic actions!
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BTL:Protesting Iraq War, Over 200 Christian Peace Activists Arrested at the White House...
22 Mar 2007
Distributed by Squeaky Wheel Productions
BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine --Weekly Summary
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