Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


News :: Globalization

war iraq

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LOCAL Announcement :: Protest Activity

Ramsey Clark: Join me in DC on Sept. 15


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News :: Baltimore MD

Flies In The NAU Oinkment -- BRIDGES

Evidence of increasing international trade truck traffic on Interstate 35 through Minnesota raises concerns that NAFTA Superhighway traffic contributed to last week's collapse of the freeway bridge in Minneapolis.

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LOCAL News :: Class

The Problem With Veterans

Vets Are Expensive

(And Well Trained)

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LOCAL Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights

Volunteer Call for U.W.A. Struggle at Camden Yards

Calling all activists, organizers, and anyone and everyone who cares about the welfare of Baltimore's day laborers!

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News :: Right Wing

U.S.SEC Chairman Christopher Cox:Samaritan Pharmaceuticals,a Georgetown University Penny Stock Fraud

Where's the Georgetown University professor and Securities Exchange Commission 'cyber fraud' czar John Reed Stark who is supposed to stop this endless daisy chain of internet penny stock fraud ? I wonder if he (John Reed Stark)has to hide the wretched truth of his penny stock fornicating with Georgetown University's James Angel from his wife and if SEC Chairman Christopher 'Naked Shorts' Cox(who lied about WMDS in Iraq sending thousands to their deaths and leaving even more permanently wounded), approves of this internet penny stock porn issuing from both the National Taxpayers Union and Georgetown University ?

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News :: Animal Rights : Children : Civil & Human Rights : Education : Gender and Sexuality

Voluntary family planning

On February 25, 2006 world population reached 6.5 billion.

By, 2050, our human numbers are estimated to reach 9.1 billion, but they could rise as high as 12 billion people.

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Announcement :: Asia

BALOCHISTAN : Protest against arrest of political workers Govt urged to stop military operation


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News :: Asia

PAKISTAN : Intimidating Baloch nationalists


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News :: Elections & Legislation

strike 911

get zion out of usa government

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