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News :: Peace

hiphop hannover

rap4islam is the revolution of hiphop

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News :: Peace

rap hannover

rap4islam is the revolution of hiphop

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News :: Civil & Human Rights

Last Jew to leave Hebron after 1929 massacre to back "settler" claims


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Commentary :: Miscellaneous

if we knew then what we know now


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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : Right Wing

Portrait of Terror – The American Prosecutor

American government officials have become the terrorists to fear.

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News :: Media

San Francisco considers “shooting gallery” for drug addicts

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/21/07)

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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

BTL:Bush-Sponsored Middle East Peace Talks Likely to Fail

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine --Weekly Summary

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Commentary :: Peace : U.S. Government : War in Iraq

U.S. Troops Are Dying, So That Bush Can "Save Face!"

Rep. Bob Filner (D-CA), on Oct. 17, 2007, on Capitol Hill, said: “Thousands of kids are going to come back in caskets, [from the Iraq War], which we are not allowed to see, or with amputations, brain injuries, with traumatic stress.” Why? Rep. Filner answers: “[Because Bush] is going to make the Democrats take responsibility for ‘this thing.’ That is to ‘save his face.’” I say: Let Bush “save face” in prison, with V.P. Dick Cheney, as his cell mate!

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News :: Military

U.S. OKs Israel-China Spy Sat Deal

TEL AVIV — Israel’s Ministry of Defense has secured tacit U.S. government consent for a prospective remote sensing deal with China based on the Eros B, a commercial, high-resolution satellite nearly identical to the Israeli military’s Ofeq-5.

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Announcement :: Environment : Globalization

Potomac Earth First call for a Militant Bloc

Potomac Earth First is making a call for a militant bloc at the No war NO Warming Protest On Monday, Oct. 22nd. The bloc will be meeting at 7:00am at Dupont Circle.

Look for the Green and Black Flags!!


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