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Announcement :: Latin America

Anti-Authoritarian caucus at the School of the Americas (SOA) Vigil & Direct Action

An Anti-Authoritarian caucus will be held at the convergence to shut down the School of the Americas (SOA/WHINSEC). From November 16-18, 2007, thousands will converge at Fort Benning, Georgia. The Fort Benning-based School of the Americas, renamed in 2001 to Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (SOA/WHINSEC) gained global notoriety for its training of Latin American death squad leaders and military dictators. Thousands throughout the Americas have been tortured and murdered by graduates of the SOA/WHINSEC.

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Announcement :: Latin America

Convergence to Shut Down the School of the Americas (SOA)

From November 16-18, 2007, thousands will converge at Fort Benning, Georgia.

The Fort Benning-based School of the Americas, renamed in 2001 to Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (SOA/WHINSEC) gained global notoriety for its training of Latin American death squad leaders and military dictators. Thousands throughout the Americas have been tortured and murdered by graduates of the SOA/WHINSEC.

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News :: Globalization

reader: Why your revolution is no liberation!

The "Why your revolution is no liberation" reader, published by several german and austrian antifascist groups to criticise a wrong analysis of capitalism widely spread in the anti-globalisation movement is for free download now. Read the introduction on antisemitism and antizionism of the anti-globalisation movement here

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News :: Military : Peace : Protest Activity : U.S. Government : War in Iraq

Mosul Dam: Engineering a Water MD

Captain Eric H. May, the Internet intelligence writer, takes a hard look at the recent Bush League claim that Mosul Dam is in imminent danger of collapse, causing a catastrophe in northern Iraq. Is the cheerleader in chief setting up a mass murderer, and his presstitutes helping with advance publicity?

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News :: Africa

America Betrayed by its Allies! Will Mubarak turn into another Ahmedinajad?

Mubarak could have not chosen a better timing, or worse, for his patron the USA

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Commentary :: Globalization


Hace algo así como quince mil años y costeando el Océano Pacífico, llegaban a California los primeros habitantes humanos...

Dicen que eran, entre otros, los precursores de los Pericúes, Guaycuras y Cochimíes y también de los kumiai (k'miai), de los cucapá, pai pai, kiliwa, cahilla y akula, pertenecientes al tronco yumano.

Pero seguramente aquellos primitivos pueblos nómades, cuando se establecieron entre los chaparrales de esos lugares, jamás habrán imaginado que...

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News :: Education : Health Care : Media : Protest Activity

Holy Smoke! **

Smoke Summary: I returned to Maine because I knew that they wanted to know about these Bushes who never graduated from any place, these Bushes who can put themselves in the White House with only 20 votes if necessary, for there are 100s of thousands in their private army; plus I know that Maine would be the first to say, "no mas". I will start with an explanation of my own link to Maine; i.e. Dixmont. Keep in mind that this article contains two of the greatest creations of the English language; i.e. the "Fear God.." paragraph and The Closet along with the songs that make the whole world sing:

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News :: Civil & Human Rights

Hate at the altar: Boston Sabeel Conference

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News :: Education

Tibetans gaining voice with films and photos

Turn on sound and click play

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News :: Media

Diego Garcia air base being readied for war on Iran

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/31/07)

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