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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

Global BDS Against Israel Is Working

Israel fears delegitimization

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Commentary :: Peace

Israel/Palestine: More on the Sham Peace Talks

Israel disdains peace

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Announcement :: Elections & Legislation

His simple fix

His simple fix

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News :: Activism

US Palestinian Community Network rejects Peace Process

Are the latest round of peace talks doomed to failure? An organization calling itself the US Palestinian Community Network has sent a mass mailing requesting the community sign a petition rejecting the peace process. Their solicitation is printed below in its entirety.
Notice the refusal to compromise. Notice the steadfast denial of the right of the Jewish people to self determination. Notice the complete rejection of Israel's right to exist. And notice the euphemism "the right to resist"- a clear justification of the use of violence.
Think Israel has a partner for peace? Read the following:

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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

Honduran Repression Continues Unabated

Washington supports Honduran terror

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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

Ripping Off Dead War Vets' Beneficiaries

stealing from the dead

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News :: Activism

The most disappointing failure of the BDS movement was at UC Berkeley

Failure of BDS Israel

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Commentary :: Environment

Here We Go Again: Another Rig Explosion

only a total offshore drilling ban can work

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News :: Asia : Civil & Human Rights : International Relations : Labor : Military

Philippines: Hostage Killings – PLM calls for an independent inquiry

manila-philippines-hostage-hong-kong-chinese.jpgPartido Lakas ng Masa (Party of the Labouring Masses) commiserates with the families of the eight Chinese nationals killed in the tour bus hijacking in Manila on Monday, August 23. The blunders of the Philippine police and officials in the hijacking crisis, which led to the deaths of the eight tourists, are indefensible from many aspects.

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News :: Labor

Jimmy Johns Labor Dispute Bursts onto National Stage with Coast-to-Coast Actions Planned for Labor Day

Minimum wage workers fight for justice

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