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Commentary :: Media

Socialists Blast Corporate Media on Presidential Debates

In recent days, ABC in a debate of the candidates excluded Dennis Kucinich from participating in the national television debate of the Democrats while including Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul. ABC-Disney is the same outfit that is seeking to destroy the lives and living conditions of the striking writers of the Writers Guild of America. These media monopolies are again showing their true colors.

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Commentary :: Activism

Will S.1959 be used to restrict U.S. Citizens traveling in their own Country?

Government officials have called lawful protesters potential terrorists and a threat to national security. Will protestors be able to fly after the Senate passes S.1959?

“The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act."

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Commentary :: Globalization


when at this crossroads in SE London we see Steve approaching us ( 40 years old, dreadlocks and long beard, a white man, camouflage jacket) immediately we realise he is the man we are waiting for: a friend of Move organisation in England. Later he will explain to us that when he started to locks up people also started to treat him in different ways: sometimes for good, sometimes for bad.

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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

BTL:Hugo Chavez and Supporters Reflect on Constitutional Referendum Loss

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine --Weekly Summary

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Announcement :: Environment

Friar Louis Cappio must live

The Brazilian semi-arid is immense: 912 thousand square km. It is populous: 22 million people in rural areas. It is the most rainy of the planet: 750 mm / year, on average, which corresponds to 760 billion cubic meters of rainfall per year. It is not true, therefore, that there is no water there.

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Commentary :: Activism

Should You Be On A Government Watch List?

Government’s words “may pose a suspected threat to national security” are so vague one can’t wonder if that could” apply to stopping individuals wanting to fly to an anti-war or environmental protest.

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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Health Care : Protest Activity

The California Nurses Association/NNOC statement about the death of Nataline Sarkisyan

California nurses group says insurer CIGNA has 'blood on their hands'

The family of a 17-year-old California girl who died after being initially denied payment for a liver transplant is suing the teen's insurance company, an attorney for the family said Friday.

Nataline Sarkisyan, who died Thursday night after her family removed her from life support, had been in a vegetative state for weeks due to complications following a bone marrow transplant. Insurer CIGNA HealthCare had first denied a doctor-recommended liver transplant for Nataline, who suffered from leukemia, but had reversed course yesterday in the face of mounting public pressure.

"CIGNA Health Corporation literally, maliciously killed her...they conciously disregarded her life," family attorney Mike Geragos said of CIGNA. "And they did that for one specific reason: they did not want to pay for her after-care."

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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Health Care : Labor : Peace : Race and Ethnicity

The Case for Socialized Medicine in the United States, and the Struggle to Achieve It

Republican candidate Mitt Romney has declared of Hillary Clinton’s promised health care plan, “It’s a European-style socialized medicine plan, that’s where it leads–and that’s the wrong direction for America” (Shulte).

Yet, unfortunately, Clinton’s plan has nothing in common with socialized medicine, neither of the European variety, nor the Canadian single payer. Her plan is to keep the broken and expensive capitalist system of health care, a system that keeps the insurance industry in charge of life and death questions of whether or not we receive health care when we need it.

In addition, the Clinton plan would make the purchase of health insurance by America’s uninsured mandatory for those who do not get insurance from their employer and who do not qualify for government assistance. Yet, the problem for America’s nearly 50 million uninsured is not that we don’t want to have insurance, the problem is that we can’t afford it. Clinton’s plan of making us criminals for not purchasing health insurance will not resolve this fundamental problem.

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Commentary :: Economy

The Cart in the Speculative Mud

Liberalizing markets leads to instability, not growth. Dedveloping and threshold countries suffer grievously through US speculation. The New Year is a time to abandon the myths of American exceptionalism and corporate beneficence and welcome justice and economic alternatives, mednding our own pockets and footprints.

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News :: Europe

You thought Iron curtain was down? - you thought wrong

Winston Churchill's: From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an iron curtain has descended across the Continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe.

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