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News :: Latin America

PARAGUAY. Iglesia católica en campaña proselitista

El empresario Pedro Fadul, candidato a la presidencia del Paraguay, criticó esta semana a las altas jerarquías de la iglesia católica paraguaya por la ambigüedad de sus pronunciamientos con respecto al obispo suspendido Fernando Lugo, también candidato a la presidencia a pesar de existir una expresa disposición constitucional con respecto a ministros de las religiones.

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Commentary :: Miscellaneous

URGENT: In Plane Site Website HIJACKED, New Gatekeeper In Place

The makers of “911 In Plane Site” have been locked out of their own website, content has been suppressed, and funds have been illegally diverted.

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News :: Media

Seals candidates for endangered list

News Junkie Scott's Blog (3/27/2008)

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News :: Africa : Civil & Human Rights : History : International Relations : Latin America

Cuito Cuanavale’s Victory was Neto’s Dream

The victory in Cuito Cuanavale made the dreams of the father of the Angolan homeland, Agostinho Neto, come true, Cuban Major General Leopoldo Cintras Frias said here on Saturday.

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Commentary :: Economy

The Legal Criminality of Finance Capitalism

The market mechanism, the Keynesians say, is not efficient or balanced. Charles Ponzi was one of the greatest swindlers of American history. Instead of the capitalist economy holding the strings of politics, politics could use economic power to create new realities.

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Commentary :: History : Media : Peace : War in Iraq

Neocon Jonah Goldberg Praises David Mamet

How would you feel if that raving Neocon Jonah Goldberg praised you? Well, this is the position that lapsed liberal David Mamet, a knee jerk supporter of Israel, is in. Mamet endorsed a “Free Market” system and bashed NPR, as “National Palestinian Radio.” In a rant for the Village Voice he explains his conversion to Conservatism and underscores how government should “get out of the way.” Goldberg lionized him for rejecting “the pieties of the Left.”

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News :: Gender and Sexuality

PARAGUAY. Escalada de violencia machista

Hace más de cincuenta años, Virginia Woolf escribió en un ensayo que si un marciano visitara la tierra y se formara idea de ella con la sola lectura de los diarios, pensaría que se trata de un planeta habitado únicamente por hombres. Si la nave espacial de este personaje extraterrestre tuviera la desgracia de posarse hoy en Paraguay, y quisiera informarse sobre donde fue a parar leyendo el diario ABC color de Aldo Zucolillo, no sólo pensaría que llegó a un planeta exclusivamente habitado por hombres, sino además que los propietarios de medios se encuentran aún en la época de las cavernas.

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News :: Media

Make oil a public utility

News Junkie Scott's Blog (3/25/2008)

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LOCAL Announcement :: Gender and Sexuality

This Saturday: The 8th Annual Visions in Feminism Conference

To attend the 8th annual Visions in Feminism Conference !!

WHEN?- Saturday, March 29th, 2008
Breakfast at 9 AM
Keynote Speech ends at 5:15 PM
Come and go as you please (see full schedule on website)
WHERE?- Ward Circle Building
American University
4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20016
COST?- $10 in advance, $15 at the door

And Introducing this year's 2008 Keynote: Phyllis Young
We're proud to announce our 2008 keynote speaker, Mni Yuha Naginwin, Phyllis Young, coming all the way from North Dakota. She is one of the co-founders of Women Of All Red Nations and has been active in work among Native American people and the Lakota secession movement for over 35 years! (for more info, check website)

WORKSHOPS- (Include, but not limited to) A Critique of Western Feminism from the lens of Indigenous Women's Movements in Latin America, Not Your Average Tea Party: the Tactics of the National Woman's Party, Sports, Feminism and Title IX, and Masculinities and the Gender Binary.

THEME- "Crossing Borders." Our hope is to challenge the fixed notions, meanings, and practices in which many of us take comfort. We want to elaborate terms of struggle that not only account for, but embrace difference, contingency, and even contradiction; crossing an array of borders, exploring the landscapes of the borders themselves, and honoring the vulnerability that such journeys demand.

Tables are still available for groups that would like to table!
Questions? or

Presented in partnership with the Department of Women's and Gender Studies at American University.

The conference will be followed by a night of music, burlesque, poetry, belly dancing, and art, starting at10pm @ The DC Arts Center, 2438 18th St. NW with a $12 donation to benefit HIPS. Come and celebrate!

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News :: Europe : International Relations : Peace

Eat your words Richard Holbrooke

We’d be absolute fools if we were to expect politicians (ours or foreign) to adhere to any elements of the truth – whatever it may contain. To that end some twisting (we call it spins in the U.S.) are both unavoidable and to be expected. But what if those spins result in loss of human life (or many lives, as I will show here)? Is that person(s) to be held accountable? What moral boundaries are there in our society (mainly the United States whish prides itself in fairness, democracy, freedom, and all other similarly abstract nouns). Kindly note that I AM an American of Serbian birth, which in way impairs my objectivity, additionally I had used almost exclusively non-Serbian sources just to avoid any semblance of being pro-Serbian.

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