Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


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News :: Crime & Police

Explosion At The Planet Network Shuts Down Many Servers

Black Ops -- think cable cutting and such...

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News :: Civil & Human Rights

The Perpe-traitors

Chapter 3 from Devilvision, By Bill Gallagher.

The site with the book posted there has been down three days now. Thats the longest outage in almost ten years at that server.

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News :: Miscellaneous : Peace : Protest Activity : U.S. Government

INDY ALERT!-Terror Drills June 4-19 -

Captain Eric H. May, the Internet intelligence writer, joins other distinguished veterans in issuing the INDY ALERT, advising the public to keep an eye on just-announced Bush administration terror drills in Indianapolis with 2200 Marines.

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LOCAL Announcement :: Globalization

Global Day of Action Against Starbucks!

Grand Rapids Starbucks Union and Sevilla, Spain CNT have announced a Global Day of Action against Starbucks July 5th

Day to protest recent firing of CNT member in Spain and continuing anti-union discrimination in Grand Rapids

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News :: Crime & Police

Mind Control OTE (Other Than Electronic)

Chapter Two from the book DEVILVISION by Bill Gallagher.

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News :: Crime & Police

The New Reich

Chapter Two from the book DEVILVISION by Bill Gallagher.

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News :: Animal Rights

Sofia, EU: Thousands of Roaming Animals Exploited As 'Money Boxes on Four Paws'

Reducing mass, unplanned pet breeding in the capital Sofia is not an issue for the Mayor's team. The lost and found policy also stayed out of the legal priorities of the present Mayor Boyko Borissov and the former Mayor Stefan Sofianski.

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LOCAL News :: Baltimore MD

Peer 2 Peer Youth Enterprises Launches Hunger Strike

Originally published at

On a sunny afternoon in Downtown Baltimore, the Inner Harbor was bustling with seasonal tourists, happy hour enthusiasts, and Friday's rush hour traffic. Amidst all of this, students, teachers, and education advocates assembled in front of the Harbor's amphitheater to address an issue they feel is essential to the future and survival of Baltimore City youth.

On Friday, May 30th, Peer 2 Peer (P2P) Youth Enterprises, a coalition of approximately 20 local youth organizations marched to the Legg Mason building on Pratt and St. Paul Streets to let their voices be heard and to announce a hunger strike to commence that evening. For about a month, P2P have been engaging in activities from workshops to camp-outs in front of City Hall to protest Mayor Sheila Dixon's refusal to appropriate $3 million in funds which would create knowledge based jobs for 700-1000 young people in the P2P network.

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LOCAL News :: Activism : Gender and Sexuality

Anti-sexist detournement of American Apparel Ads

Hats off to whomever made this modification to (at least) a whole box of city paper's this week!

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LOCAL Commentary :: Baltimore MD : Education

A letter from a hunger striker

I've lived long enough to watch my city descend through some levels of the underworld. I ask: Who will stand up to fix the problems of my Baltimore?

We students in a coalition called Peer-to-Peer Enterprises are aware of the injustices city youths face.

Peer-to-Peer organizations employ older youths to teach their younger peers skills and knowledge.

In the past few years these organizations have employed hundreds of youths, helped increase test scores, kept young away people from violence and drugs and established "families" outside the home.

These programs should be expanded and need sustained investment to grow their accomplishments.

The Peer-to-Peer coalition has requested $3 million from the city's budget to create an additional 700 to 1,000 jobs and provide services to thousands more peers.

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