Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


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News :: Crime & Police

Military Use Of Active Auroral, Phased Array, and Satellite Technologies

Chapter 7 from the book Devilvision by Bill Gallagher, Hachita NM.

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LOCAL Announcement :: Baltimore MD


As a good will gesture and out of concern for each other's health, the Hungry 13 decided as a collective whole to suspend their Hunger Strike until all negotiations are done with Mayor Dixon. These negotiations are scheduled for June 4, at City Hall, 5:00 p.m.

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LOCAL News :: Baltimore MD : Education

Audio from the "Mayor's Night In" : P2P Hunger Strikers and Supporters Speak Out

At the Mayor's Night In on Monday June 2nd (ostensibly about how the city wants to involve the youth of the city in education and community building), the Hungry 13 and a large crowd of P2P supporters packed the War Memorial Building in Downtown Baltimore to demand that the mayor fund P2P programs. This 40 minute recording is from the last section of the meeting, where the hunger strikers and their supporters reported back after a series of breakout discussions.

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News :: Environment : Military : Peace : Protest Activity : U.S. Government


Captain Eric H. May, the Internet intelligence writer, updates the shifting official story of the terror drills just finished in the nation's most polluted and perilous industrial site, BP Texas City.

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News :: Labor

Workers walk off MGM Mirage Dubai World CityCenter Site in Protest

Union leaders: We’ll picket until contractor meets demands for increased safety

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LOCAL News :: Baltimore MD : Education

P2P Hunger Strike - video coverage and interviews with the strikers

Video diary of Baltimore Youth participating in a hunger strike. The students want Mayor Sheila Dixon to fund Peer 2 Peer Youth Enterprises. For more information see:

Peer Hunger Strike

Peer 2 Peer Hunger Strike: Day 2

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News :: Economy

Oil energy futures speculation drives rising cost

Senate hearing covers rising price of oil, witnesses testify that continued deregulation of energy futures speculation encouraged by ENRON-esque corporations is approx 1/3 of the price at pump..

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News :: Crime & Police

Modern Broadcast Technologies

Chapter 6 from the book Devilivision by Bill Gallagher.

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News :: Crime & Police

The Radiant Arsenal

Chapter 5 of the Book Devilvision, By Bill Gallagher.

The Radiant Arsenal: Some Explanatory Science


for the full book with illustrations.

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News :: Globalization

Broadcast Technology: A Short History

Chapter 4 from the book Devilvision by Bill Gallagher

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