News :: Globalization
Lo que Emir Sader debería saber
10 Jun 2008
Luis Agüero Wagner
pocas veces he visto a una constelación de intelectuales de la izquierda latinoamericana defender con tanta pasión a un candidato notoriamente vinculado a la derecha católica, la embajada norteamericana, la prensa de la Secta Moon, partidos dominados por masones y farsantes
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News :: Activism : Economy : Middle East : Protest Activity : U.S. Government
Congress Must Apply Strategic Economic Sanctions Against Saudi Arabia and OPEC Nations
10 Jun 2008
Peter Stern
It is time the U.S. "steps-up to the plate" and starts "swinging" aggressively at the oil cartel.
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Neocono m Manipulate U.S. Via Mainstream Media:
But why is Ivy Leaguer and east coast elitist William Kristol, who never served in the United States military himself, whining about what Obama says in respect to the U.S. military? Apparently we must weigh in the fact that William Kristol, and his father, are ardent neo-conservatives whose ideological founder was Leo Strauss. More importantly we need note that Leo Strauss was a “ t” political philosopher who taught at the University of Chicago.
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News :: Poverty
V.P. Candidate wants U.S. ethanol production cut to feed poor
09 Jun 2008
Stewart A. Alexander
A recent report prepared by the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization identified 22 nations that are threaten by the global food crisis; riots, due to food shortages are now occurring in most of these poor countries. To prevent the escalation of the present world food crisis, Stewart Alexander, Vice Presidential Nominee for Socialist Party USA, wants a freeze or a roll back on U.S. ethanol production to the levels prior to December 2007.
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News :: Labor
Starbucks Fires Michigan Barista for Union Activity
08 Jun 2008
Grand Rapids Starbucks Union
Grand Rapids firing comes in the midst of Unfair Labor Practice charges being investigated by the NLRB against Starbucks.
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News :: Europe
Heuy Long (The Kingfish) words come true in Portugal
The upcoming signing of the EU Lisbon Protocol scheduled for this August promises to be the first overtly Fascist Act after the death of Hitler and Stalin both Fascists on different ends of their witchcraft.
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News :: Crime & Police
What We Have And The Remedy
08 Jun 2008
Bill Gallagher Hachita NM
Chapter 11, from the book Devilvision: The Worlds New Wireless Grid
Including Pertinent History and First Ever Public Discussion of Active Auroral Behavior Modification and Surveillance Technologies.
By William J. (Bill) Gallagher
Hachita NM
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News :: Crime & Police
Literal Electronic Mind Control: The Real Thing
08 Jun 2008
Bill Gallagher Hachita NM
Chapter 9, from the book Devilvision: The Worlds New Wireless Grid
Including Pertinent History and First Ever Public Discussion of Active Auroral Behavior Modification and Surveillance Technologies.
By William J. (Bill) Gallagher
Hachita NM
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News :: Civil & Human Rights
Windsor, Canada: Refugees pose 'potential crisis'
08 Jun 2008
The Windsor Star
Over the past three weeks, 45 families and 31 individuals -- approximately 200 people -- entered Canada at the Detroit River crossings and applied in Windsor for shelter and social assistance after filing refugee claims with the Canada Border Services Agency. Municipal agencies dealing with the sudden influx of mainly Mexican refugee applicants are renting out hotel rooms and bracing for predicted thousands more to come...the average processing time for a refugee claim in Canada is currently 14.2 months, said Hawkins, a period during which the applicant is eligible for financial and other support. A failed claimant then also has the right to seek leave to appeal his or her rejection to federal court.
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Advice to the Unemployed
Counter-advice to the corporatist advice.
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