Oil Bubbles
19 Jun 2008
Philip Faigle
Falling real interests, a weak dollar and an increasing demand from China led to a bubble on the market. In the long term, this bubble will burst.
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Interview :: Culture : Latin America : Miscellaneous
Cuba: Interview Porno Para Ricardo
18 Jun 2008
Movimiento Libertario Cubano
* The Cuban Libertarian Movement (MLC) interviewed via internet a punk musical group active in Havana for over 10 years who are today a significant reference in a counter cultural scene that merits recognition and solidarity.
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"Oil Crisis Changes Globalization"
18 Jun 2008
Philip Faigle
In the hundred poorest countries, the high oil price is intensifyiing hunger and poverty. "These people stand at the edge of a possible disaster," Jeremy Rifkin says. The high prices for oil, gasoline and gas change the rules of globalization.
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LOCAL Announcement :: Baltimore MD : Poverty
Homeless meeting with City officials today, come show solidarity
A very important public meeting is taking place tomorrow between the
275 people staying at the last city-run homeless shelter, and the
City of Baltimore. Please try to attend to show solidarity with this
group of residents that are organizing around the closing of this
shelter at the end of this month. Tired of being put on the streets,
or moved from one part of the city to another every 90 days to
appease neighborhood associations, these citizens have decided to organize and pose their concerns directly to those running this city.
Public Meeting
1001 E.. Fayette St.
Baltimore, MD 21202
5:30pm, Wednesday June 18
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Prestigious Breckenridge Film Fest Hosts World Premiere of “Washington, You’re Fired”
High drama, suspense and political intrigue drew audiences from the four corners of the nation for the World Premiere of “Washington, You’re Fired” at this year’s 28th annual Breckenridge Festival of Film.
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Deregulated Markets and Alternative Economics
17 Jun 2008
Jorg Huffschmid
In the last ten years there was more speculation than ever, more than before the 1930 worldwide economic crisis. A policy of deregulated financial markets made this possible. That real investment profits turn out relatively small encourages the speculation tendency.
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LOCAL Announcement :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Education : Elections & Legislation : Europe
Kim Keyser: Prefigurative Organization
Kim Keyser, Anarchist from Norway, speaking at Red Emmas on Prefigurative Organization: direct democracy, direct action, workers councils, anarchist organizing and involvement in social movements. 6/21/08 7:30 PM.
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Announcement :: Environment
video from 2006 World Indigenous Uranium Summit
Navajo Churchrock chapter
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Working people relying on stimulus checks, coins and lotto
16 Jun 2008
Stewart A. Alexander
The platforms of the Socialist Party USA and Peace and Freedom Party outline fundamental approaches that will promote economic policy that will benefit working people. Both socialist parties are rejecting the economic strategies of the Democrats, Republicans, and their candidates; advancing U.S. imperialism and waging war is not the answer for our economy that is now in economic free fall.
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