PHILIPPINES: Ban Endosulfan!
14 Jul 2008
EcoWaste Coalition

Citizens Press for Total Ban on Endosulfan to Put Off “Toxic Time Bomb”
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News :: Activism : Asia : Environment : Globalization : Poverty
End G8 Domination!
12 Jul 2008
Freedom from Debt Coalition (FDC), Philippines

Joint Statement on the 34th G8 Summit in Tōyako, Hokkaidō, Japan
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Review :: Culture
Dr Pereda Movimientos que Curan
12 Jul 2008
agencia salud
El médico español lucha por acercar sus propuestas de salud a través de la actividad física a todos los rincones del mundo. Pretende que a través del voluntariado se acerque gratuitamente al paciente las ttécnicas que posibilitaran una mejor calidad de vida a los que sufren .
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BTL:Colombia Hostage Rescue Weakens Rebel Group, Could Initiate Peace Talks
12 Jul 2008
Between the Lines
BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine --Weekly Summary
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LOCAL News :: Baltimore MD : Labor
From IWW.ORG: Baltimore Starbucks Protest
BALTIMORE, MD -- Several hundred flyers were delivered to potential Starbucks customers about Starbucks' unfair labor practices in Michigan, Spain, New York, and other locations on July 5, 2008 as part of the Global Day of Action in support of Starbucks workers. Baltimore GMB members, supported by IWWs in town from Pittsburgh, Providence, and other cities, were invovled in the action, along with members of NEFAC, and several other organizations. Free coffee was distributed from Red Emma's coffeehouse and bookstore, an IWW job shop, while the police looked on.
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Theses on the Basic Income Discussion
Poverty can only be overcome globally. A change in perspective is necessary so social assistance is seen as positive and not as negative. Without a committment to human dignity and a human future, barbarism seems inevitable given the vast numbers of economic refugees.
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Announcement :: Culture : International Relations : Media : Miscellaneous : Peace
the Visionary Report (inaugural post)
10 Jul 2008
a. visionary
This is *the* inauguration of "the visionary report", a report whose author(s) wish to inspire people, in a regularly appearing way, beyond the same old again and towards evolutionary meaning and living in this world.
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News :: Culture
Road Rage
10 Jul 2008
Bill Gallagher Hachita NM
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(1 comment)
Announcement :: Activism
New Book: Rhetoric for Radicals!
New book helps activists communicate with passion and precision.
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Anatomy of a Crisis
10 Jul 2008
Philipp Hersel
The problem is that a large part of US real estate financing, the so-called subprime market for real estate credits to poor borrowers, functioned according to the model of a chain letter. Radical redistribution, nationally and internationally, is the command of the hour.
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