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News :: International Relations

Attack on U.S. Embassy in Yemen Linked to Mossad

Dubai, Oct 8 (IANS) A terrorist cell busted in Yemen last month after a suicide attack on the US embassy there had links with an Israeli intelligence agency, the state-run Saba news agency reported.The report, quoting an unnamed source, said investigations and data retrieved from a computer seized from the cell, showed there was correspondence between the Islamic Jihad group’s deputy leader Bassam Abdullah Fadhel Al-Haidari and an Israeli intelligence agency. Saba quoted the source as saying that the correspondence between the two sides included a request from the Israeli side to implement terrorist attacks inside Yemen.

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News :: Economy : Globalization

Economic Fascism and The United States

If I do not believe in, trust, or support the US Federal Government, my home should not be in jeopardy. The Federal Government, whenever they choose, through the IRS, will take your home if you do not support them. This confiscation of property by the Federal Government is absolutely and unequivocally wrong, and it is illegal.

For the Federal Government to threaten me with stealing my home because I want them to fail, is economic FASCISM.

Let the Federal Government collect it’s taxes but to put my home in peril because of taxes - is ECONOMIC FASCISM.

I want the Federal Government to spend itself into bankruptcy and irrelevance; and it is my patriotic right as a human and and an American to have control over my money to do so.

I believe in local taxes, and local representation of those taxes; to me - the FED is DEAD.

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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : Latin America

Venezuela: National Security = Personal Insecurity

* This Editorial from El Libertario (#54, September-October 2008, Venezuela) examines – from the current Venezuelan perspective – how authoritarian power builds its own security upon the destruction of collective security.

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News :: International Relations

Mucho que agradecer a George W. Bush

El clérigo-presidente Fernando Lugo, viajará el 27 de este mes a Estados Unidos, en donde rendirá pleitesía al presidente George Bush, uno de los principales financistas de los movimientos que lo apoyaron

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Commentary :: Economy

"The Market is not a Safe Bank" by Helmut Schmidt

This crash was avoidable. The fact that American investment banks are not subject to any normal bank supervision is scandalous. Financial transactions must be subject to rules and security standards. The heavier the traffic, the more rules are needed.

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News :: International Relations

Record Guiness a la inconciencia para los amigos del Obispo

Si algún record Guiness piensan batir haciendo un asado con un pais al borde la guerra civil, es el record de la inconciencia.

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News :: Civil & Human Rights

Civil Rights on the Chopping Block

"What a tangled web we weave
When first we practice to deceive"--W. Shakespeare

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Interview :: Economy

"We are in an epoch shift"

Free markets became wild markets. The post-socialist blessing became the turbo-capitalist curse. The state allowed the monitoring of banks to be de facto privatized. Politics allowed the markets to run wild. Contracting debts was trendy and saving was Philistine.

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Commentary :: Economy

Illegal use of Equity - Average and Normal

People have made bad and improper investments with credit and equity.

My family and friends (who I would say are "average" and "normal" Americans) have used home equity to buy other homes, invest in the stock market, to buy "stuff", and to pay expenses. This sometimes illegal and improper use of residential property equity is the problem! This equity does not exist yet and no one knows when or if it will, or how much it may be; and it is all ready "at work" - multiply times over. I have seen many people live off of credit and use their money to invest. This "hyper-capitalism" of equity on equity - on credit and debt appreciation, is a flawed and failing economic model, and it is failing - just as it should.

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LOCAL Announcement :: Economy



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