Strategic Importance of HLS in the broader anticapitalist fight
26 Dec 2008
Class Warrior
The campaign to shut down HLS has become a "meeting engagement"-a battle neither side can afford to lose. Here is what the pro-vivisection "Foundation for Biomedical Research"(or FBR) had to say in their 2006 "illegal incidents report" about the importance of the campaign to close Huntingdon "Life" Sciences(HLS):
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News :: Activism : Asia : Children : Civil & Human Rights : Peace
25 Dec 2008

Despite the tremendous efforts of the Communist Party in the Philippines to destabilize the government, its popularity is at its lowest.
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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : Latin America
Understanding the origin of public insecurity
25 Dec 2008
El Libertario, Venezuela
* Article originally published in spanish language in El Libertario, Venezuela, # 54, September-October 2008, that analyzes and goes over the problem of criminal violence through its social impact on contemporary Venezuela.
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News :: Civil & Human Rights
Activista confiesa haber sido obligada a difamar a Luis Agüero Wagner
25 Dec 2008
Red Solidaria Antifascista
Una activista del Partido Movimiento al Socialismo dirigido por el secretario de Emergencias del obispo Fernando Lugo, Camilo Soares, reconoce en una carta de arrepentimiento haber sido obligada por el falso guevarista a difamar al escritor Luis Agüero Wagner.
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News :: Europe
Wednesday (12/24): Reports from Greece
Big demonstration in solidarity with the arrestees through the main shopping district. The occupations of the university buildings are ending and more actions are planned.
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News :: Right Wing
Naked Short Lie:Steve Forbes Brings Economic Pornography To Wardlaw-Hartridge High School Students
24 Dec 2008
Tony Ryals
The earliest usage for the term 'naked
short selling' or 'naked shorting' I have been able to verify is from an email to the U.S. SEC IN 1999.No academic or securities professional ever used it previously and Patrick Byrne's NCANS representative gave the Cheetah Club lap dance club in Las Vegas' address when a website was opened for that fraud in 2004 or 2005.I believe that had a professional or academic coined a term for counterfeitting of shares it might have been 'negative short selling' but because it was creating by a Washington,D.C. mafia composed of social perverts 'naked' was the only thing they could come up with. And Steve Forbes gives new meaning to the word pervert.
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LOCAL News :: Baltimore MD : Economy
Declare Baltimore "A Foreclosures and Evictions Free Zone!"
Baltimore demands an end to foreclosures - 11/23 protest at the sheriff's office.
Watch the video:
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