23 Theses on the Capitalist Crisis
Since the middle of the 1990s, the real economy only grew on account of the expansion of credit. All the floodgates were opened after the dot.com crisis. In the next four years, the Fed brought more dollars in circulation than in the whole 200-year US history.
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News :: Labor
Senate voted 80-17 to confirm Hilda Solis as President Obama's Secretary of Labor
24 Feb 2009
Employee Free Choice Act Now . Org
Hilda Solis Confirmed YES!
The Department of Management Will Now Be Known as the Department of The Workers Rights!
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LOCAL Announcement :: War in Iraq
7 Reasons You Should Join the March on the Pentagon on March 21, 2009
24 Feb 2009
March on the Pentagon
Various coalitions, organizations, and networks are joining together in a March 21 National Coalition to bring people from all walks of life and from all cities across the United States to take part in a March on the Pentagon on the sixth anniversary of the Iraq war: Saturday, March 21. Simultaneous demonstrations are taking place in San Francisco and Los Angeles. More than 1,300 organizations and individuals have now endorsed the March 21, 2009, March on the Pentagon to say “Bring the Troops Home NOW!” on the sixth anniversary of the criminal invasion of Iraq. The thousands who march will demand “From Iraq to Afghanistan to Palestine, Occupation is a Crime” and “We Need Jobs and Education, Not Wars and Occupation.” They will insist on an end to the war threats and economic sanctions against Iran. They will say no to the illegal U.S. program of detention and torture.
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The Master of Bubbles
24 Feb 2009
Uwe Jean Heuser
As the revered godlike head of the Federal Reserve, Greenspan pursued a policy of cheap money. Whenever the financial markets began to correct their own madness, he opened the floodgates for more money.. The world stared so intensely at growth that it forgot distribution.
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News :: Labor
Tomorrow the Senate takes its first vote to confirm Hilda Solis as our Secretary of Labor
23 Feb 2009
Employee Free Choice Act Now .Org
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News :: Activism : Asia : Civil & Human Rights : International Relations : U.S. Government
PHILIPPINES: Scrap the Visiting Forces Agreement now!
23 Feb 2009
Partido ng Manggagawa (Workers Party)

The secret Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) document exposed by Sen. Joker Arroyo is the latest in a string of arguments to hang the iniquitous agreement. The secret document is an insult that adds to the injury of Daniel Smith’s contempt of our justice system.
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Announcement :: Peace
M19 Solidarity Statement
Due to some skepticism about the March 19th black bloc and Funk the War
actions, DC SDS and the Self Described Anarchist Collective have agreed on
an M19 solidarity statement to prevent future failures of communication,
such as those that occurred at October Rebellion and Funk the War at the RNC.
the March 19th Solidarity Statement goes as:
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News :: Labor
Just SAY NO to the Employee Free Choice Act - Why?
22 Feb 2009
Employee Free Choice Act Now . Org
One Reason is that The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace, Employee Freedom Action Committee, Chamber of Commerce, Alliance For Worker Freedom, Workforce Fairness Institute, Americans For Job Security, Save Our Secret Ballot, Union Busting Consultants, and other Corporate Front Groups all want you to.
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News :: Right Wing
Skinhead Concert In Baltimore
The Maryland Skinheads are having a concert in Baltimore.
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LOCAL News :: Baltimore MD : Civil & Human Rights
ACORN Breaks Into Foreclosed House to Restore it to its Former Owner
21 Feb 2009
Elie Feasley and **** ****
At 3pm on Thursday, February 19th, 50 members and supporters of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, (ACORN) gathered outside a boarded-up rowhome in Highlandtown. ACORN representatives handed out t-shirts printed in black, red, and white proclaiming a foreclosure-free-zone as the crowd of supporters grew. Followed closely by reporters and news cameras, the group used a pair of boltcutters to remove a padlock, broke down the door, and entered the house. Louis Beverly, an organizer with ACORN, declared, “This is our house now!” after cutting off the lock.
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