Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


News :: Protest Activity


A Call for a National Student Mobilization Against the WEF

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News :: Protest Activity

The Trouble With Anarchists (in Washington DC)

The Trouble With Anarchists (in Washington DC)

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News :: Peace

Funeral Procession For The Innocent Victims In Afghanistan

On December 8th, peace activists, human rights advocates, and others marched to demand an end to the U.S. bombing of Afghanistan and to call for humanitarian aid for the people of that country.

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News :: Drugs

How To Start A Marijuana Political Party In Your State

Step by step instructions about how to restore your rights by creating a political party in your state

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Commentary :: Protest Activity

Guerilla Janitors Manifesto

****the guerilla janitors manifesto****

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News :: Globalization

29 Pentagon Officers Eliminated - Could It Be True?

12-14-01 I received notice this morning that these FEW men who are trying to betray us are 29 officers in top positions at the Pentagon. 12-15-01 My top TRUE White Knight sources tell me they are ON MISSIONS to get rid of these traitors and to get our prosperity deliveries and NESARA doneIMMEDIATELY! 12-16-01 Friday, the 29 Pentagon officers got what they deserved for trying to stand in the way of our deliveries and NESARA. They were "totally eliminated" and the locations of their deaths were terrible sights to behold, I'm told

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News :: Labor

Towson Students, Faculty Demonstrate For Living Wage

About 30 Towson University students and faculty marched across campus on Tuesday to demand a living wage for the school�s housekeeping workers. This article documents the history of the campaign and the struggle for worker's rights at Towson.

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News :: International Relations

World Opinion For Afghani War Right? - WRONG!

The most fundamental problem with the polls is that they assume the public has perfect information. But, notwithstanding some dissent in the press, the media in the UK, and even more emphatically in the US, have been distorting what is happening in Afghanistan especially on civilian casualties and alternatives to war.

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Commentary :: International Relations

Conservative Gadfly

Speculation as to things to come in the international arena regarding the U.S. war on terrorism.

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Commentary :: International Relations

Another One Bites The Dust

It seems the U.S. naively believed that a decorated U.S. General could speak sense into a desecrated Israeli General.

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