Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


News :: Miscellaneous

"Anti-globalization" Activist Survey

The following survey is being conducted for an undergraduate thesis project at West Virginia University. Your participation is entirely voluntary, but would be very beneficial to the research process. If you could take a few minutes to fill it out, it'd be a great help.

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News :: Globalization

DEA Boss Asa Hutchinson Declares FARC Narco Terrorists

And of course Oxy Petroleum and Colombia's Paramilitary groups had nothing to do with this escalation into war.

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News :: Peace

Canadian Newspaper Exposes Truth Behind 911

Vancouver Sun article reveals the truth behind 9/11 - government and CIA complicity in the attacks on the WTC. Think the US media will follow suit?? It's up to us to spread this story far and wide - congresspeople, media outlets, email lists, etc etc. The American people have the right to know that the real "enemy" is not "out there" but right here in the White House.

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Commentary :: Peace

Never Again?? Camp X-Ray Slide Show

You have to look at this "slideshow" of 21 photos of Camp X-Ray at Guantanamo Bay. Have you ever seen pictures of Nazi concentration camps? Then these photos will look familiar.

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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

Trophy Pictures In Israel

Israeli soldier taking pictures of a new Palestinian kill with two buddies in the background.

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Commentary :: International Relations

The Monroe Doctrine And Manifest Destiny Rears It's Ugly Head.

The Monroe Doctrine and Manifest Destiny have completely recovered from the mild symptoms it got from Clintonfluenza and from which Clinton himself recovered from in the end.

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News :: Miscellaneous

Indy Outages. Back Up Soon.

The server handling quite a few IMCs has been down for
4-5 hours now. Hopefully it will come back up shortly.

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News :: Media

Widespread Indymedia Outages

Does anyone know what is going on? Many Indymedia sites are not repsponding. We may need temporary alternatives.

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News :: Media

Blackthorn.........a Radical D.i.y. Newsprint Project

Blackthorn is in need of well written articles, reliable news, original art, printing and art supplies, donations and ideas. the first issue will be out may first to coincide with mayday and the deadline for submissions is april first. please send in contributions and support this project.

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Commentary :: Environment

White House Plan To Ctrl Green House Gases Condemned By Environmental Groups WW

Between the Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Kert Davies, Climate Campaign coordinator with Greenpeace USA, who explains why his group, and other environmental organizations around the world, have condemned the Bush administration's global warming proposal.

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