Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


Commentary :: Miscellaneous

So Important It's Pretty

an array of information that attempts to articulate why, exactly, there is no honour in carrying a gun for your job

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News :: Right Wing

Henry The Great On September 11

Henry Kissinger posts the Anti-Terror battleplan at at 9:04 pm on September 11. When did he write it?

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Commentary :: Protest Activity

Historic 4/20 Wash. DC Protest Draws Broad Coalition To Condemn Bush Policies

Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with John Cavanagh, executive director of the Institute for Policy Studies who comments on the significance of this large multi-issue protest.

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News :: Peace

MARIO AFRICA OF AWOL Interview With Photojournalist Hans Bennett (includes Photos)

In the fourth part of a week-long series documenting the 4/20 DC protests, photojournalist Hans Bennett interviews Mario Africa, founder of AWOL magazine. The interview appears in the newest issue of INSUBORDINATION magazine, which focuses on the topic: "Armed Struggle and Political Prisoners after Sept.11". Included is a collection of Hans' post 9/11 anti-war photos.

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LOCAL News :: Environment

Critical Mass

Critical Mass gets the summer/spring season off to a slaming good time

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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

Facts About Israelis And Palestinians

zionazis have shot numerous international reporters to keep the truth from getting out!!!!

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LOCAL News :: Urban Development

Trash, Rats, And Abandoned Houses: A Bus Tour Of Waverly

ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) invited Baltimore City and Maryland State government representatives and the media for a bus tour of the neighborhood of Waverly to directly show them issues they believe need to be addressed. A report from the tour.

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News :: Civil & Human Rights


Foreign Minister Shimon Peres Peres is very worried about the expected international reaction as soon as the world learns the details of the tough battle in the Jenin refugee camps, where more than 100 Palestinians have already been killed in fighting with IDF forces. In private, Peres is referring to the battle as a "massacre."

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News :: Miscellaneous

Petition To The Senate To Investigate Oddities Involving 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

The petiton now has over 11,430 signatures, please add yours!

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News :: Labor

An Anarchist Celebration Of May Day

Print out and distribute your own May Day
posters and leaflet

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