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Baltimore IMC


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News :: Peace

We Shall Not Forget - Hiroshima Remembrance Day

August 6th was the 57th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima and the 18th commemoration in Baltimore. The Hiroshima-Nagasaki committee organized a remembrance of the event so that we do not forget the horrors of nuclearism.

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Commentary :: Protest Activity



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Announcement :: Right Wing

Call For A Revolutionary Anti-Fascist Bloc, August 24th, Washington, DC

The local anarchist counter-terrorism task force invites you to come out and take a stand against the terrorist National Alliance.

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Commentary :: Environment

Oregon Is Burning

We believe that the fires were set to create a political climate in which the rainforests of the West Coast will be permanently destroyed.

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News :: Latin America

A Plea For Help From Colombia

Oscar Gamboa, speaking to community members at the office of the American Friends Service Committee on Thursday, August 8, 2002, issued an ominous plea for help for his family and the people of Colombia, who are dealing with a bloodly civil war--only to stepped up by an apparently drug-trafficking new president working hand-in-hand with the Bush-Cheney Regime.

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News :: Urban Development

Protest At City Hall, Washington, D.C.

Tthe activist community in DC came out Friday morning to protest the city's "heavy hand" in forcing the Olive Branch community from their home on M Street Northwest. The Olive Branch community has served the homeless community in downtown Washington for 28 years.

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Commentary :: U.S. Government

Prior Knowledge -- Part 1 Of 2

This article provides a referenced introduction to some of the information available that leads to the conclusion that the government of the United States was aware of the possibility (if not likelihood) of the attacks that occurred on 9-11, and made decisions that allowed them to occur.

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Commentary :: U.S. Government

Prior Knowledge -- Part 2 Of 2

This article provides a referenced introduction to some of the information available that leads to the conclusion that the government of the United States was aware of the possibility (if not likelihood) of the attacks that occurred on 9-11, and made decisions that allowed them to occur.

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LOCAL News :: Civil & Human Rights

The Horrific Conditions Of The Baltimore City Detention Center For Women

A first hand account by a woman currently incarcerated at the Baltimore City Detention Center for Women

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Announcement :: Miscellaneous

Radical Film Festival Seeking Entries

Visualized: Messages in Motion Video and Film Festival is now accepting submissions for the 2002 festival in Denver Colorado. The festival will be over three days, November 8-10. Please visit our website or see below for more information and details on how to submit your film!

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