News :: Environment
Precautionary Principle
28 Oct 2002
Robina Suwol
Created most stringent pesticide policy in nation at LA Unified (2nd largest school district in the nation).Policy has become model for school districts and communities nationwide.
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Was Reporter Killed By Putin's Secret Service?
28 Oct 2002
Antonio Russo,found dead near a Caucasian mountain pass,may have discovered too much about atrocities in Chechnya
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News :: Peace
Disclosure Testimony: John Maynard, DIA
"But as far as UFO and intelligence and extraterrestrial matters go, it's right at the top- and I would say that the President has limited knowledge of it. I know Carter did not have any knowledge of it whatsoever. And I worked right there with the organization."
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Announcement :: Economy
27 Oct 2002
Francisco Trindade
Subjects of interest yesterday as today that they can be found in
Join in this site some of the works and articles, published and unknown, that the author of these pages had chance to write in these last sixteen years.
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Announcement :: Miscellaneous
Memorial To Senator Wellstone
A solicitation for donations - in memory of Senator Wellstone - to specific liberal candidates opposed to the current "regime" and its oppressive policies.
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News :: Peace
One Hundred Thousand Turn Out At WDC Peace Demonstration
27 Oct 2002
Jean Cushman, Laura Goren, Chuck D'Adamo
Protesters filled a 14-block perimeter around the White House today in the largest antiwar demonstration in the US in at least a decade.
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Announcement :: Activism
Check Out These Songs...
Three songs, "Aradia," "America America," and "War Machine." Feel free to copy these and play them on your local radio station...the people need to feel these songs...enjoy!
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LOCAL News :: Peace
Antiwar Protest Surrounds White House
26 Oct 2002

Protesters filled a 14-block perimeter around the White House today in the largest antiwar demonstration in the US in at least a decade.
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BTL:Poor Families Likely To Lose As Congress Debates Reauthorization Of...
26 Oct 2002
Between The Lines' Melinda Tuhus
...Welfare Reform Act. Interview with Debbie Weinstein, Children's Defense Fund conducted by Melinda Tuhus.Confrontations.Interview with Peter Kornbluh, of the National Security Archive conducted by Between The Lines' Denise Manzari
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Announcement :: Activism
Absurd Response Invites You To Join The Party For Perma-war, Sat. 11am, Wash. Monument
25 Oct 2002
abSUrD rEsPonsE tEAm
absurd response invites you to join a festively ironic, theatrical feeder march to
join up with the large anti-war rally/march saturday in DC
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