Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


Commentary :: Gender and Sexuality

BTL:White House Attack On Women's Reproductive Rights Undermines...

...International Accords. Interview with Francoise Girard, senior program officer of the International Women's Health Coalition, conducted by Between The Lines'Melinda Tuhus.

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Commentary :: Peace

Soldier, Can You Hear?

The international community is demonstrating an unspeakable apathy towards what is taking place in the Middle East. If it does not recognize what is at stake and nonviolently resist these monstrous acts, there is little doubt that the same situation and even worse will become reality for our whole world, perhaps very soon.

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Commentary :: Economy

[PFMPE] Promising Prosperity, And Delivering Perpetually Multiplied Indebtedness

Since banking-imposed instability and maldistribution of wealth paved the way to pretend central banking was a solution for banking-imposed instability and maldistribution of wealth, we have a century of the Democrat and Republican parties, tied to the purse strings of the instrument of multiplying indebtedness they ostensibly founded on our behalf.

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Announcement :: Activism : War in Iraq

Call For A Teaching Moratorium Against The War In Iraq

This is a newly originated call for a teaching moratorium against the war in Iraq. Please forward this message to anyone that you think might be sympathetic or interested in participating in such a moratorium. If you plan to participate in this moratorium or would like to receive materials and information for teach-ins, please send a message to

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Announcement :: International Relations

Dictator Watch Manifesto

Now, or never?

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News :: International Relations

Minor Surgery!

The Bushist Chronicle

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Commentary :: Peace

BTL:Critical Weeks Ahead For U.S. Peace Movement's Effort To...

...Derail Bush War Plan. Interview with Joanne Landy, co-director of the Campaign for Peace and Democracy, conducted by Between The Lines' Scott Harris

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News :: Right Wing

Infoshop "Anarchists" Defend Confederacy, Quote Nazis

If you thought Trent Lott was bad, wait until you see what the "anarchists" at Chuck0's Infoshop have been doing!

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Announcement :: Peace : War in Iraq


Are you a person who sees the world going terribly wrong? Are you unable to devote your life to worthy causes you feel most passionate about? Then please look at this proposal, those of us who are able and willing need your support to stop this war that threatens to launch World War III.

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LOCAL Commentary :: Activism

Philip Berrigan - Warrior For Peace (short VIDEO)

This is a 6.5 minute video -- touching, inspiring...

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