Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


Announcement :: Miscellaneous

David Rovics comes to NJ

Bergen Action Network presents as a part of the Bergen Anti-War Tour...

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LOCAL Announcement :: Peace

Feb 15 anti-war demonstration: bus to NYC from Baltimore



SUSTAIN will be organizing a bus from Baltimore to go to the anti-war demonstration in New York City on Saturday February 15.

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News :: International Relations

More strong proofs presented

satellite exposures: hidden audiotapes

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News :: Elections & Legislation

Warning: 'AccuVote' Coming to Maryland

Feb 5, 2003: Yesterday, technicians and programmers for Diebold Election Systems, the company that supplied every single voting machine for the surprising 2002 results in the state of Georgia, the company that is preparing to convert the state of Maryland to its no-paper-trail computerized voting, admitted to a file-sharing system that amounts to a colossal security flaw.

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News :: International Relations

Strong proofs presented

satellite exposures: Rolling laboratories

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News :: International Relations

Quite brilliant!

Freedom peace and pancake

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Commentary :: Activism

Terrorist Power Always Ignores Its People, Yet...

According to Noam Chomsky and others, the USA is the leading terrorist state in the world. Since *Newspeak* is the Name of the Game, "our" government will always try to fool us with hype, and failing that, will *ram through* its policies anyway. One way we can remain vigilant is through a *resistance of consciousness*.

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News :: Activism

Reagan's Dead

Everybody has a reason to celebrate the death of Ronald Reagan

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News :: International Relations

Old Europe!

Freedom peace and pancake

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LOCAL Announcement :: Baltimore MD

The USA Patriot Act in Baltimore

Ask the Baltimore City Council to oppose the USA Patriot Act

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