CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: Why Bush Won't Declare War Over; Was Looting a Disquised 'Search and Destroy' Mission; Blair-Bush Good Cop/Bad Cop Scam
17 Apr 2003
Cheryl Seal
News and Notes from within the Bush Reich
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Was the Excessive Violence of US Troops in Iraq Fueled by Military-Funded Computer Games?
17 Apr 2003
Cheryl Seal
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CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: Maryland's Foremost Christian Zionist Given White House Press Corp Forum
16 Apr 2003
Cheryl Seal
News and Notes from within the Bush Reich
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Announcement :: Globalization
The disciples of Proudhon
16 Apr 2003
Francisco Trindade
The disciples of Proudhon
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News :: Activism : Children : Civil & Human Rights : Civil & Human Rights : Culture : Elections & Legislation : Gender and Sexuality : U.S. Government
Title IX Equal Opportunity Law Under Attack in US Senate
16 Apr 2003
Gerald Farinas
The Patsy Mink Equal Opportunity Act (aka Title IX) is up for a vote in the United States Senate. Could this be the beginning of the end of equal rights in collegeiate scholarships and athletics? Are we headed into a roll back of womens' rights? Contact your Senators NOW!!!
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News :: [none]
COCA COLA FOR COLOMBIA: It’s Cheaper Than Water!
15 Apr 2003
Jean Cushman
Colombian Javier Correa Suarez spoke at the Progressive Action Center about the repression of workers in his country and direct actions Americans can take to support the labor union activists, social activists and others being brutalized and assassinated by multinational corporations.
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News :: [none]
Protests of IMF/World Bank and US Militarism
15 Apr 2003
Chuck D'Adamo & Shame

On April 12, at least 20,000 protested the US invasion and occupation of Iraq. The protest was peaceful except for what seems to have been targeting by police of anti-capitalists. On April 13, about 1,000 protested the policies of the IMF, World Bank, and multinational corporations.
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CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: Piled Higher and Deeper By the Day: Sifting through the Current Media Manure Pile
15 Apr 2003
Cheryl Seal
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