LOCAL Announcement :: War in Iraq
01 May 2003
Mike Johnson
As part of "Wearnica; An International Day of Artistic Reactions to War" a group of Baltimore artists and activists is staging a performance art work in Lafayette Park, DC, on Saturday May 3 from 12n-1pm
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BTL:Rising Opposition to Occupation of Iraq Threatens Bush Agenda for...
01 May 2003
Between the Lines' Scott Harris
...Restructuring the Oil-Rich Country. Interview with Mansour Farhang, Bennington College professor of political science, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
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Announcement :: Activism
30 Apr 2003
Progressive Portal
If you don't want war, don't pay for it!
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Announcement :: Activism
RW: May Day Posters
Free Full-Size Color Posters Posters for May Day from rwor.org
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CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: Local Network Affiliates (WBAL, et al) Propaganda Heats Up Against Local Liberals As 2004 Looms
30 Apr 2003
Cheryl Seal
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Announcement :: Animal Rights
Help Feed the Neglected and Abandoned Animals
The Animal Rescue Site is having trouble getting enough people to click on it daily to meet their quota to getting free food donated every day to abused and neglected animals.
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LOCAL News :: Activism : Environment
Bike to Work Day is Friday May 2nd
Friday, May 2nd, is Bike to Work Day.
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CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: Bush’s ”Renewal in Iraq” PR Crusade Is Merely a Corporate Smokescreen On a Grand Scale
29 Apr 2003
Cheryl Seal
news and notes from inside the Bush Reich
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