Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


Commentary :: International Relations

BTL:Under White House Control, Iraq's Oil Wealth May Be Headed Toward...

...Privatization.Interview with Michael Renner, a senior researcher with World Watch Institute, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

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Announcement :: Activism

Bush in Albuquerque Monday 5/12

Just a heads up for anyone planning to protest!

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Commentary :: Right Wing

How to break a Conservative Libertarian masquerading as a Liberal

"We should provide aid and assistance to those who are our friends and simply ignore those who are not. After all if they can afford to insult us it must be because they don't need us. Let them strike out on their own. If they survive fine, if they become extinct fine."

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News :: International Relations

President Re-Affirms Solidarity With Cuba

I'd like to remind all citizens that I've already expressed solidarity with the popular governments of Cuba, Venezuala, France, Iceland, Japan, Korea, Palestine, Russia, the Swiss Confederation, the Iroquois Confederacy, and all the people of the world who advocate equal rights and equal responsibilities....

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Announcement :: Media

Come to the Allied Media Conference in Bowling Green, OH

The Allied Media Conference will be June 13-15 in Bowling Green, OH. If you were
there last year, you know that it just might be the biggest, most enjoyable
weekend of cross-media collaboration there is. It's a chance to learn new
skills, share your experiences, and build networks. The emphasis is on making
our own media, not reforming the mainstream system.

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Commentary :: Children

Children's rights?

Those who sexually prey on children will love this plank. They would probably be immune from prosecution unless it could be proven they forced the child in some sexual act.

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News :: Media

[pepperface: media analysis eZine and alternative media hub, updated daily]

[the sniffy "blind empire" underground media hub has moved to its own site at]

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Review :: Environment

Extremist modern environmentalism debunked (again)

In the words of Jack M. Hollanderf, Professor Emeritus of Energy and Resources at the UC Berkeley, "an environmentally sustainable future is within reach for the entire world provided that affluence and democracy replace poverty and tyranny as the dominant human condition"

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Commentary :: War in Iraq


In the sudden aftermath of the war, folks might find the following uplifting. It's taken from a longer talk given by Steven Miller, a high school teacher, at a LRNA forum in San Francisco on April 18.

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LOCAL News :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Middle East : Military : Peace : Protest Activity : War in Iraq

Wearnica overview

intention2.jpgThe Baltimore-DC Wearnica event took place on Saturday in Lafayette Park. The performance went well and drew a lot of attention from the small audience in the park. Photos up now, look for video soon!

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