BTL:To Stop Nuclear Proliferation, Washington Must Lead by Example
21 Sep 2009
Between the Lines
BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine
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Germany: The Calm Before the Storm
21 Sep 2009
marx21 network
"The Left must become a catalyst of resistance to the crisis in order to gain strength.Impoverishment does not make anyone enlightened. Despair and anger do not necessarily lead to progressivism.."
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Hatemongering in America—the Post-Carter Dilemma Versus Conservative Opposition
The venom and vile the spews forth from America’s body politic is endemic of a people infected with fear and prejudice; but this learned hatred of a democratic agenda is not one based primarily on racism—yet hostility and resentment is very much its spirit. Rather this anima of animosity is one that seeks scapegoats for any instability felt or imagined of America’s middle and lower class realities, and all presumptions of a relatively naïve and misinformed society.
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Anyone planning to control the trolls taking over this website?
Look at your website!
Granted, it takes alot of time to keep it clean and functioning.
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Time To Get Medieval?
A three-month old baby in Louisiana died in her home from blood loss due to rat bites. There were holes in the walls and holes in the floor. Evidently, the landlord spent FEMA money earmarked to repair the house on something else, but the authorities were still trying to determine if they should file criminal charges against the parents!
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News :: International Relations
Luis Agüero Wagner, Septiembre III
Luis Agüero Wagner, Septiembre III
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LOCAL Announcement :: Baltimore MD : Protest Activity : Race and Ethnicity : Right Wing
Unite against Fascists Monday Sept 21
Come join us to resist white supremacists in Maryland. The Council of Conservative Citizens, originally founded as the White Citizens' Council, is a white supremacist organization and a hate group.On Monday, September 21st at 7:00pm, the local chapter of these hate mongers will be hosting Paul Fromm, a Canadian Neo-Nazi with ties to the KKK, and described by the Ontario-based National Post as “one of Canada's most notorious white supremacists”.
Join us at 6:30pm on Monday at Connecticut and Dupont in Kensington, to give these poorly veiled fascists the welcome they deserve. Stand with the local community in saying no to these supremacists. Help us tell them that we don't want fascists and white supremacists in DC, MD, or anywhere else!
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BTL:New U.S. Military Bases in Colombia Will Increase Regional Tensions
18 Sep 2009
Between the Lines
BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine
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Internet Manifesto
18 Sep 2009
Markus Beckedahl and others
The freedom of the Internet is inviolable. The Internet's open architecture constitutes the basic IT law of a society which communicates digitally and, consequently, of journalism. The web constitutes an infrastructure for social exchange superior to that of 20th century mass media.
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Alexander: Go See “Capitalism, a Love Story”
18 Sep 2009
Stewart A. Alexander
Michael Moore’s movie, “Capitalism, a Love Story” will be a shocking revelation to the millions of Americans who believe in capitalism; however, socialists will understand that “Capitalism, a Love Story” does not reveal the ultimate danger and damage that capitalism is wreaking on the working class and world economies on a global scale.
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