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Commentary :: Education

Benjamin Tucker: Individualist Libertarian Market Socialist

American Individualist Libertarianism is a form of market socialism with self-employed individuals, co-operative businesses, and socialist employers. 1. (If your interested, please see: Benjamin Tucker’s State Socialism and Anarchism...

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News :: Activism : Asia : Civil & Human Rights : Labor : Protest Activity

Filipino workers say "Never Again"

Philippines-Workers-Protest.jpgWorkers belonging to the Coalition Against Contractualization (KONTRA) today marched to Mendiola to mark the anniversary of the signing of Proclamation 1081 that imposed Martial Law 37 years ago and to reaffirm their vows to never again let the country slip into darkness.

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News :: Military

How the CIA Steals Money From Taxpayers

In 1989 Catherine Austin Fitts became Assistant Secretary for Housing in Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). She began to notice money was not properly tracked as it moved between different HUD departments and there was a lack of proper accounting mechanisms to deal with discrepancies in revenue indicated fraud at an alarming level. [28] She attempted to put in place some credible financial tracking mechanisms to identify where the money was going and to identify the responsible individuals and HUD departments, but after 18 months on the job she was suddenly fired by the Bush administration. Fitts was told the day after she left that her financial reforms through ‘place-based financial accounting and statements’ would also be terminated. [29]

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News :: International Relations

CUBANUESTRA. Fernando Lugo, la Izquierda y los dólares del Imperio

CUBANUESTRA. Fernando Lugo, la Izquierda y los dólares del Imperio

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News :: Civil & Human Rights

Global Systematic Discrimination against the Poor to be signed

States are due to sign UN protocol which by its exclusion of core obligations will allow States to discriminate against the poor.This will also give credibility to terrorists who claim to fight on behalf of the poor. The protocol is likely to result in a more dependent people unable to help themselves. Obama is following such policies.

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News :: International Relations

The President Has Returned: All Hell Breaks Loose in Honduras!

"This is a textbook example of what we've referred to before as "dilemma actions." It puts the coup regime on the horns of a dilemma, in which it has no good options. It can leave Zelaya to put together his government again from the Brazilian embassy with the active support of so many sectors of Honduran civil society, or it can try to arrest the President, provoking a nonviolent insurrection from the people of the kind that has toppled many a regime throughout history."

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Commentary :: Economy

Germany: What Lessons Do We Learn from the Financial Crisis?

Rating agencies were paid by the firms to be rated. Ultimately rational individual conduct led to an irrational collective result. The lesson is clear. On the way of regulation or taxation, banks must be given a massive incentive to remain small.

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Commentary :: Labor

Michael Moore’s Movie ‘Capitalism: A Love Story’ a Must See

Michael Moore’s movie, ‘Capitalism: A Love Story’ will be a shocking revelation to the millions of Americans who believe in capitalism; however, socialists will understand that ‘Capitalism: A Love Story’ does not reveal the ultimate danger and damage that capitalism is wreaking on the working class and world economies on a global scale.

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News :: Latin America

CUBANUESTRA. Festival de la Corrupción en el Gobierno de Fernando Lugo

CUBANUESTRA. Festival de la Corrupción en el Gobierno de Fernando Lugo

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News :: Activism

"RESIST!" New RNC Aftermath Documentary


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