Announcement :: Peace
SOS2003: Aug 1-3 event against Bush push for new nukes
18 Jul 2003
SOS2003 Outreach
Senior officials in the Bush administration who have proposed the production of a new generation of nuclear weapons have scheduled a meeting to discuss plans for nuclear proliferation at US Strategic Command (STRATCOM) during the first week of August 2003. We are going to be there to say NO! Join us!
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CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: Congress: A Confederacy of Dunces; White House Uses Matt Drudge and Post to Smear Gay Reporter; Thanks to Ehrlich, Sallie Mae Profits Skyrocket
18 Jul 2003
Cheryl Seal
News, notes and nonsense from inside the Bush Reich
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BTL:Bush Africa Tour a 'Photo-Op,' Not a Serious Policy Initiative
18 Jul 2003
Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Interview with Bill Fletcher, president of TransAfrica Forum, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
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LOCAL Announcement :: Activism
Bring the Ruckus Tour Hits East Coast
17 Jul 2003
Bring the Ruckus
"Fight the Power, Build the Power" tour hits the East Coast.
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BTL:Iraq War is Looking Increasingly Like a Quagmire
17 Jul 2003
Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Interview with former Calif. state Sen. Tom Hayden, antiwar activist, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
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CHERYL SEAL SPECIAL REPORT: Did David Kay Engineer WMD Evidence for Bush I -and Now Bush 2?
16 Jul 2003
Cheryl Seal
What David Kay is leaving out of his bio these days is that until 2002, he was VP of SAIC, a company rolling in Bush defense contracts. Kay produced "retroactive" evidence of WMDs for Bush I. Now he's Bush and Tenet's pick to get the goods...tho' he was fired in 1992 from his UN job for unethical behavior.
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LOCAL News :: Activism
The National Lawyers Guild Regroups in Baltimore
16 Jul 2003
Curtis Cooper
An effort is underway to revitalize the National Lawyers Guild in Baltimore
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News :: Middle East : Peace : War in Iraq
Utah Protesters Thank the World
16 Jul 2003
Chuck Tripp

The July 10, 2003 weekly peace vigil rally in Salt Lake City focused on thanking all people around the world who opposed U.S. President George W. Bush's illegal war against the Iraqi people.
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Your words are weapons
15 Jul 2003
ari fleischer made it official in the days following 911. the justice dept
has continued to enforce it. the first amendment to the us constitution dies
a little more each day....
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News :: Crime & Police
Fighting Back For Democratic Rights!
15 Jul 2003
Steve Argue
Steve Argue Interviewed in The Argentinean Newspaper Prensa Obrera Regarding The Patriot Acts And His Arrests In Santa Cruz For Political Tabling.
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