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Submissions to the newswire


News :: War in Iraq

DEAN: Reborn as a Neo-Conservative

The DLC speaks and the candidates follow! Dean adopts the hawkish AIPAC view of Iraq, Afghanistan and the Middle East.

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Announcement :: Peace to defeat war of all against all

please forward

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Review :: U.S. Government

People-Powered Graphics

Unofficial site created by Dean for President supporters, offering free printable graphics and resources to fellow volunteers.

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Announcement :: Peace

I had a dream.


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News :: International Relations

Bali bomber thanks anti-war protesters

THE man who helped mix the deadly one-tonne Bali nightclub bomb Sawad, alias Sardjiyo, yesterday said he wanted to thank the Australian people who had supported his cause during recent Australian anti-Gulf War protests.

"I want to thank the Australian people who supported our cause when they demonstrated against the policies of George Bush. Say thank you to all of them," Sawad said.

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Announcement :: Peace

New website on Christian objection to war and military training

Manual for Advisors of Christian Objectors to War and Military Service and Training

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Announcement :: Activism

The Peace Pretzel: counter-propaganda for the people

Using grassroots action to defeat an unelected president.

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Announcement :: Activism : Crime & Police : Economy : Elections & Legislation : Environment : Peace : Poverty : Protest Activity : Right Wing : U.S. Government

New York's GOP Convention Protest List

Attention, GOP! The Forecast for Next Year in New York City: Extremely Stormy

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Commentary :: Military

CHERYL SEAL SPECIAL REPORT: FRANKENSTEINS IN THE PENTAGON: Creepy DARPA Bioengineering Program to Turn Soldiers into Cyborgs

Is this a story from the "Enquirer" or "Weekly World News?" Nope. It's a real program described - and widely criticized - by "Nature" and other top scientific journals

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Review :: Economy

Tax Cuts, The Enron’s, The Rich, The Poor, And Human Nature…

“They are giving tax cuts to the rich and robbing the poor” lets put this age old debate regarding tax cuts into the simplest terms. The financial security of everyday people is essential to raising our children, grandchildren, providing good education, reducing crime. The wisest financial strategies need to be put in place above bipartisan politics or the passion of so many of us vigilantly opposed to class systems. A review of human nature and the cycles of people’s lives need to be taken into consideration when waging this big debate on economical models such as Bush’s tax cuts. The answer may be a little surprising though...

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