Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


LOCAL Announcement :: Activism

Critical Mass Friday September 26th

The September Critical Mass on Friday the 26th. Meet at Charles and Redwood Streets at 5:30, leave at 6.

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News :: International Relations

Friends of the Iraqi Folk

87 Billion Dollar for Iraq, a great act

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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

You must hear these...

How can there be free elections with a mind-controlled public?

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Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights : Globalization : Latin America : Peace : Protest Activity

Nov.21-23: Shut Down the SOA! - UPDATE

Join thousands at the gates of Fort Benning, Georgia from November 21-23, 2003 to commemorate all victims of terror and demand an end to impunity. Stand up for justice and against the double standard in the "War on Terrorism" - organize to close the SOA (renamed Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation).

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News :: Protest Activity

The school of the Americas-Hip Hop

The School of the Americas(in georgia, u.s.a)

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Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights

The Truth about FEMA and the Future of America

This information can be backed up by the American Justice Federation

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LOCAL News :: [none]

This Week in The News Sept. 16--Sep . 22

This was the week that was

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News :: International Relations

About Bush will speak on Tuesday at 09.23.2003

and about he will not tell

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News :: Right Wing

Who the hell is Booz, Allen, and Hamilton ?!?

A company with strong ties to the atrocity of September 11, 2001 is also implicated in the intense digital harrasment experienced in the past couple of years by anti-war activists.

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News :: Elections & Legislation

Dean's Corruption in the Green Mountain State

Conflict of interest and corruption in Dean's Vermont.

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