Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


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LOCAL News :: Economy : Globalization : International Relations : Latin America

Baltimore says NO! FTAA

About 30 Baltimoreans including students, activists, steelworkers and regular locals gathered at Broadway and Fayette Streets to March in solidarity with those demonstrating in Miami against the FTAA meetings on Thursday.

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News :: Miscellaneous

THE GOOD GUYS WIN ONE!!! Senate Democrats Block Infamous Energy Bill!!!


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Commentary :: Environment

CHERYL SEAL SPECIAL REPORT: Conservation, Bush-Style: Doing Less than Nothing (CLEAR LIES Partr 6)

If Bush were not in the pocket of the fossil fuel barons, America would achieve its energy goals within a few years through just a few simple conservation efforts and sufficient investment in alternative energy development. Instead, the nation is doomed to remain the global glutton, a locust swarm unleashed on Earth's dwindling resources.

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LOCAL News :: Globalization : Protest Activity

From Puppets to Rubber Bullets: Baltimore IMC reports on the FTAA protests in Miami (Thursday)

woman.jpgThis is a report from the streets of Miami during the direct actions against the FTAA in the early morning and late afternoon of Thursday, November 20th. (Chuck D'Adamo, Laura Goren, Melissa Noonan, Heather Rounds)

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LOCAL News :: Activism : Crime & Police : Globalization

FTAA Protest in Review

STEELWORKERS FLAGS2.JPGDateline November 21, 2003, the morning after the Miami, FL demonstrations in opposition to the Free Trade Areas of the Americas (FTAA). The words "Bitter Sweet" come to mind in reviwing the recent events.

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Commentary :: Environment

CHERYL SEAL SPECIAL REPORT: CLEAR LIES Part 5: Nuclear Nightmare: Bush's Own Brand of State-Sponsored Terrorism

Never has there been a more critical vote in US history than the Bush-Cheney energy plan. While the Iraq war has been devastating, the worst effects may subside within a decade. If Bush gets his way and the nation accelerates its nuclear energy program, the potential disastrous effects even one "moderate" "mishap" could inflict could be with up - and our great-great grandchildren -- for centuries to come.

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LOCAL Commentary :: Activism

No FTAA March: Moving Factories Seen in Baltimore

A summary of the No FTAA solidarity march in Baltimore (11/20/03).

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News :: Environment

Energy Bill Stuffed with Fossil Fuel Industry Subsidies ... Numerous U.S. Religious Leaders Disapprove

Despite not being afforded the benefit of a public hearing, the massive $31.1 billion energy bill being debated in the U.S. Senate today has garnered massive public opposition, and with good reason. Call your senators today. Tell them which way you recommend they vote.

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News :: Activism

Solidarity Statement of SOA, FTAA & Bush Protests

Joint Solidarity Statement of The Stop the War Coalition (UK), The Mobilization to Stop the FTAA (US), and The School of the Americas Watch Movement (US)

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News :: Elections & Legislation

Tom Daschle Shows His True Colors: YELLOW & GREEN: He plans to Back the Bush-Cheney Energy Bill

No wonder the Democrats keep drawing the disgust and outrage of the American people. Every time the people really need leadership in the party, the leaders betray voting for the war in Iraq. Now "leader" Tom Daschle has gone to the dark side, big time!

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