News :: [none]
No FTAA March: Moving Factories Seen in Baltimore
23 Nov 2003
Scott44, Julie Adamo & Jean Cushman
"Thursday, November 20 - Tonight a lively group of union leaders and local activists held a march in protest of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA()) treaty. The march was in solidarity of no FTAA actions taking place in Miami on the same day. Our march was totally fun..."
(From Scott44) [full article].
#media_1924;left# "About 30 Baltimoreans including students, activists, steelworkers and regular locals gathered at Broadway and Fayette Streets to March in solidarity with those demonstrating in Miami against the FTAA meetings on Thursday.
At first glance the demonstration was tiny, but proved quickly to be quite energetic. Participants had dressed up as Baltimore industries which were shut down or are on their way out including Behlehem Steel, London Fog, National Bohemian, Proctor and Gamble and Joseph A. Bank."
(From Julie Adamo/Jean Cushman) [full article].
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News :: Military
23 Nov 2003
NTAC Media
The promotion of Major General Robert T. Clark to the rank of Lieutenant General, drew rancor from the nation’s major Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender (GLBT) Organizations, including the National Transgender Advocacy Coalition (NTAC).
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News :: Activism : Globalization : Poverty : Protest Activity
In the midst of Miami's FTAA chaos we fed the homeless and guerrilla stickered the city
22 Nov 2003
Jay Shaft
Despite all the bad images and problems of the FTAA protest there was some very positive things that also happened. There were many people that took time to commit acts of social responsibility and acts of kindness.
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LOCAL News :: [none]
Homeland Security Comes to Baltimore
22 Nov 2003
Howard Ehrlich
This is a first look into the operation of homeland security in Maryland.
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News :: Media
Amnesty forced to Withdraw Chavez documentary from screening amid threats of violence
Amnesty Vancouver was forced to withdraw a documentary on Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, amid threats of violence.
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CHERYL SEAL EXCLUSIVE!! Sneak Preview of Time Magazine 'The Bushes in England' Photo Album!!
22 Nov 2003
Cheryl Seal
Don't let those anti-Bush folks fool you into thinking that the Bushes trip to the UK was anything but story-book perfect! These photos prove it. Plus, an excerpt from the diary of Laura Bush, obtained by Deep Throat II.
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BTL:As Effects of Global Warming Result in Dramatic Climate Change...
22 Nov 2003
Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus
...U.S. Continues to Resist Reduction of Greenhouse Gases. Interview with Bill McKibben, environmentalist and author, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus
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LOCAL News :: Globalization
Reporting from the FTAA Security Fence

Baltindy reporter describes his arrival at ground zero of the demonstrations in opposition to the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), the security fence around the Intercontinental Hotel on Biscayne Blvd, Miami, FL.
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