LOCAL Announcement :: Economy
FREE STORE This Saturday!!!
18 Dec 2003
FREE STORE! Come get stuff for FREE!
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BTL:Saddam's Capture Unlikely to End Iraqi Insurgent Resistance...
18 Dec 2003
Between the Lines' Scott Harris
...to U.S. Occupation. Interview with Greg Palast, BBC-TV investigative reporter, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
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News :: U.S. Government
9-11 Coverup ... Finally, Shock & Awe!!!
17 Dec 2003
9-11 Commissioner Kean announces 9-11 was preventable!!!
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The staircase wit of this century
The U.S. remote-controlled fake president claims fair legal proceedings and death penalty for a U.S. hellhound.
He has decided for a colossal bloodbath among European and U.S. politicans, his backers and himself
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Law School as Revenge
17 Dec 2003
Kirsten Anderberg
I went to law school as revenge. Why do you think they had riots when the first black man tried to enter Univ. of Miss.? Why did they not let women into Notre Dame law school until 1968? Access to education is kept from the masses, so go to school as revenge.
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LOCAL Announcement :: Animal Rights
Join Our Campaign Against HLS customers in Bmore!!!
Baltimore Animal Rights Coalition Announces its inaugural event in its campaign against Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) customers in Baltimore City!
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CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: The Iraqi People Deserve Their Day in the WORLD COURT, Not a Bush Tribunal
17 Dec 2003
Cheryl Seal

Bush is calling for a "public trial" of Saddam. But to Bush, "public" only means that there will be an audience - it doesn't mean the audience will represent the people. Just as, during all of Bush's "public press appearances" the audience is handpicked, all dissenters removed to "protest zones" up to two miles from the site of the appearance.
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Announcement :: Animal Rights
Electronic Civil Disobedience this week...
"Its that time again! Another Electronic Civil Disobedience (ECD)! Everyone had such a great time shutting down Daiichi, that we thought we needed to have another go at it. But as usual, the target will be a secret until the 15th of December. There's just no telling...
So on the 15th of December a link will be placed here to take you over to a web site where you can take part. You can take part from almost any type of computer and no special knowledge is required. Please spread the word to as many people as possible."
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Anti-Smoke Campaign Covers Up Crimes of Big Cig, Big Oil, etc.
If anyone believes that the corporate-pushed "anti-smoking" crusade is about protecting Public Health, think again. Like any other illegitimate policy, it's camouflaged in "for our protection" wrapping. But, this is arguably the biggest corporate Liability Dodge in history.
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