The BoneHead Compendium, Vol 7
weekly summary of wordly nonsense
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Announcement :: U.S. Government
Support the 911 Truth Movement
The official story of the events that took place on 9/11/01 violates the laws of physics and common sense. Understanding what really happened is essential if we are to avoid a repeat of it.
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Review :: Culture
Revolutionary Music Review: Evan Greer
28 Dec 2003
Erin Osgood
Young political songwriter Evan Greer has made a name for himself in Boston by gracing stages with the likes of David Rovics, Howard Zinn, and Tim Robbins. Erin Osgood of Flamejolt Magazine reviews his music, his politics, and his message.
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Announcement :: Media
Please Visit New Peace Website
27 Dec 2003
Mike Palecek
New website to promote Palecek's books, fiction and non-fiction, with justice and peace themes.
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American banana problem ?
6 heroes dead
6 collaborators dead
43 heroes wounded to cripples
And no personalized evil in sight to blame
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News :: Civil & Human Rights
Tibetans Documenting Lives in Exile

Tibetans and Tibetan monks are using the camera for the first time to document their lives in exile.
The Tibetan Photo Project is dedicated to creating and expanding this voice from the Tibetan People
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BTL:Rev. Billy Takes his Gospel of 'Stop Shopping' to Stores that...
27 Dec 2003
Between the Lines' Scott Harris
...Sell Products Produced by Sweatshop Labor. Interview with the Rev. Billy, Church of Stop Shopping, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
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Peace Porridge #36: 24 December 2003 - Juvenile Justice In Iraq
Things were different before the invasion! Liberation? Hardly! Terrorize? Absolutely! What possible chance is there to bring about peace in Iraq with storm trooper tactics against school children and teachers? The fact that some of these children have chosen Saddam over the soldiers of the US occupational forces must tell you something! It certainly should!
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BTL:Costa Rica Walks Out of Talks for Central American Free Trade Agreement...
26 Dec 2003
Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus
...Signaling Growing Opposition to Pact. Interview with Karen Hansen-Kuhn, coordinator of the Alliance for Responsible Trade, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus
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