News :: Activism
FNB World Gathering!
31 Dec 2003
food not bombs
Food Not Bombs World Gathering!
Organizing E-List Up and Running!
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News :: Civil & Human Rights
Grip of Death
30 Dec 2003
Michael Rowbotham
This is the world that has been pulled down over your eyes to blind you from the truth...
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News :: Globalization
The Cheney/Baker Strategic Energy Plan: History and Illusion
30 Dec 2003
Craig B Hulet?
We already have the names of nearly everyone Cheney sought advice from for the Strategic Energy Plan! The content of the plan itself is an outrage of Imperial conceit!
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We Must Do What We Can
30 Dec 2003
Diane Harvey
If you hold yourself back because of fear you will lose everything!!
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Interview :: [none]
This Was the Week That was
29 Dec 2003
editors imc
Our weekly reiew of the news of the week, Dec. 22-29, #35
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Review :: International Relations : Media : Middle East : Military : U.S. Government : War in Iraq
FBI Probes Pentagon Lie Factory

As the FBI probe of the Office of Deputy Undersecretary of Defense Douglas Feith unfolds, the following review from the Baltimore IMC archives provides timely background. Feith's Office is being investigated as the source of leaks to Israel and to the former head of the Iraqi National Congress, Ahmed Chalabi. Retired Navy Captin William Luit, another neocon who runs affairs under Feith, boasts that he reports directly to Vice President Dick Cheney's Chief of Staff Lewis "Scooter" Libby. Libby and another neocon in Cheney's Office, John Hanna, are the two names that have surfaced in another on-going probe of who leaked the identity of undercover CIA officer Valarie Plame. Plame is the wife of former Ambassador Joseph Wilson who blew the wistle on the Bush Administrations claim that Iraq was seeking uranium from Africa. A lot of dots to connect.
A review of "The Lie Factory," which appears in the Jan/Feb 2004 issue of
Mother Jones. Tells the story of how the same neoconservatives that advocated war in Iraq set up and ran a Pentagon operation to cook the intelligence for consumption by Congress and the American public.
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Abe Foxman Shilling for the Sharon Gang, Again
Abe Foxman swears Israel has a “healthy democracy” because oppositional figures are heard all of the time. Sure, they are! Unless, of course, they are protesting its notorious Apartheid Wall, than they can be shot by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) with live ammunition, like Israeli activist Gil Naamati was last Friday (“Baltimore Sun,” 12/29/03).
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