The Usual Suspects, Fascists.
17 Mar 2004
Lloyd Hart
Aznar's Popular Party (being the haven of the Franco fascists just as the Christian Democrats in Germany became the haven of Nazis after World War Two) more than likely contracted the men arrested through their handlers (the Bush regime) to plant the bombs that went off Thursday in Spain in an attempt to shift a weakening or possible loss for the Popular Party in the Spanish parliament to a resounding victory for the Popular Party by blaming the attacks on the militant Basque separatists, the ETA.
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Syria and Saudis Next in U.S.-Israeli Crosshairs
A powerful Likud Cabal, in the U.S. Congress, is hell bent on using their public offices, to further destabilize the Middle East and to enhance the hegemony in the area of the Israeli regime of Ariel Sharon. The only question left is this: Will the American people wake up in time to stop this Israel-First Brigade of mischief makers before they drag the U.S. into yet another immoral, illegal and costly Middle East quagmire?
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News :: Environment
Gathering anticivilization in Catalonia
17 Mar 2004
llavor d'anarquia
Last year we held our first gathering of people against civilization, in Can Masdeu, Barcelona. We think that the results were quite good: the number of people that came, the debates and the connections that the gathering made possible.
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News :: [none]
Trail of Mourning and Truth
16 Mar 2004
Mike Johnson

Report on the Dover to DC Memorial Procession, honoring the American and coalition service people and Iraqi civilians killed in Iraq. This two day event featured members of Military Families Speak out and Veterans for Peace speaking at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware, Walter Reed Army Medical Center in D.C., and a the naming of the dead in Lafayette Park. The two day event culminated when marchers attempted to deliver a coffin bearing the names of the dead to The White House.
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LOCAL Announcement :: Crime & Police
April 3rd -- Rally against MD's death penalty
Join abolitionists from across the region as we rally against Maryland's death penalty in Annapolis on Saturday, April 3rd at 2 PM.
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News :: Peace
Interview with Dennis Kucinich
The Indy ( interviewed Democratic president candidate Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) on March 14, 2004, as he campaigned in Normal, Illinois before the Illinois primary:
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News :: Miscellaneous
This Was The Week That Was
15 Mar 2004
Howard J. Ehrlich
Our weekly review of the news.
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LOCAL News :: Baltimore MD
Statement of Presidential Candidate Leonard Peltier
15 Mar 2004
Leonard Peltier
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LOCAL News :: Health Care
DC Street Medic training March 26-28
15 Mar 2004
Jeremy DAMN
DC Street Medic training March 26-28
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