BTL:Lawsuit Challenges Congress' 'Unconstitutional' Defunding of ACORN
29 Nov 2009
Between the Lines
BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine
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Announcement :: Activism : Animal Rights : Crime & Police : Protest Activity
11/30: Call-in for Carrie!
28 Nov 2009
Carrie Feldman is still being held on civil contempt and needs our support and solidarity. She’ll remain in custody over the long weekend as state officials enjoy time with their families. We can’t let them go back to an easy work day come Monday while they continue to hold our friend in civil contempt for taking a principled stand against state repression!
THIS MONDAY, November 30, CALL IN to Cronk’s boss, US Attorney Nicholas Klinefeldt, from 9am to 4pm to demand that they dismiss Carrie’s subpoena and release her immediately.
Monday November 30, 9am-4pm CST, (515) 473-9300
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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : Latin America
Venezuela: Anti-police impunity activist assassinated
28 Nov 2009
El Libertario, Venezuela
* El Libertario, the Venezuelan anarchist newspaper, denounce the assassination of Mijail Martinez as the latest chapter in the Chavez government’s attack against base-level, autonomous, revolutionary and dissident organisations.
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BTL:Obama's Double Standard Gives Some but Not All 9/11 Defendants Civilian Trials
27 Nov 2009
Between the Lines
BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine
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News :: Activism : Asia : Civil & Human Rights : Labor : Peace
Filipino Workers Condemn Maguindanao Massacre
27 Nov 2009

APL dares gov’t to severely punish brains, perpetrators of Maguindanao massacre
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Mumia’s Life Is On the Line: Mobilize Labor/Black Power to Free Him Now!
27 Nov 2009
Internationalist Group
The threat to Mumia Abu-Jamal's life is increasingly ominous. His lead attorney, Robert Bryan, warns: "There is an escalated effort by the authorities to see him die at the hands of the executioner. This is the most dangerous time for Mumia since his 1981 arrest." The U.S. Supreme Court has turned down Jamal's two appeals. If it were to rule in favor of the prosecution's appeal, this would open the way for Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell to issue a third warrant of execution, which he has vowed to do. Contrary to the misplaced expectations of many, the Obama administration is not about to save Mumia. Around the world, hundreds of thousands have marched for this courageous champion of oppressed. Trade unions representing millions of members have rallied to the defense of Mumia. It is urgent to expand this support into powerful labor/black action, appealing to the integrated union movement to join with the black, Latino and immigrant poor to demand that he be liberated.
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News :: Asia : Civil & Human Rights : Elections & Legislation : Media : Peace
Philippines: Abduction and killings of journalists and politicians must be investigated
27 Nov 2009
Amnesty International

Amnesty International condemns the killings of at least 21 civilians, including journalists and members of a politician’s family, in the southern Philippines province of Maguindanao, the first reported killings linked to national elections to be held in May 2010.
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BTL:Obama's Double Standard Gives Some but Not All 9/11 Defendants Civilian Trials
26 Nov 2009
Between the Lines
BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine
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