BTL:Human Rights Abuses in U.S.-Run Iraq and Afghan Prisons are...
15 May 2004
Between the Lines' Scott Harris
...Widespread and Systemic * Interview with Carroll Bogert, associate director, Human Rights Watch, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
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News :: Activism
Chemtrails Overview: MUST READ!
15 May 2004
Blue Sky Girl
Do you know that chemicals are being sprayed in your sky?
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News :: Civil & Human Rights
Exiled Tibetans gain voice with first photos
14 May 2004
Joe Mickey

The first collection of photos by Tibetans in exile in India is creating a voice through media coverage and two exhibits of The Tibetan Photo Project
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News :: Activism : Labor : Protest Activity
For 8 days in May, Truckers closed the Port of Oakland
14 May 2004
Daniel Borgström
For eight days in May, the Port of Oakland was virtually shut down by truckers striking for better conditions. The same port had been closed down by antiwar protesters just three weeks before, so a small contingent of us from Direct Action to Stop the War (DASW) joined them as a community support group and reported their struggle on Indymedia.
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Meet the New Boss…
13 May 2004
Mark Drolette
Why are so many Americans oblivious to their country's arrogant, sometimes brutal behavior, actions that are so easily recognizable to the rest of the world? For the answer, read on.
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News :: Activism : Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : Culture : History : Latin America : Media : Military : Miscellaneous
We have the pleasure to inform you that was inaugurated the official site of the film RAYMUNDO.
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News :: Activism : Animal Rights : Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : Environment : Gender and Sexuality : Protest Activity
Insurgent Ideas
13 May 2004
pattrice jones
Federal, state, and private security forces converged to police not actions but ideas at the Student Animal Rights Organization (SARO) conference on animal liberation, which included the first ever academic symposium on the Animal Liberation Front (ALF).
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