News :: Elections & Legislation
05 Feb 2006
Stewart A. Alexander
The California Secretary of State reversed his decision on Friday to remove the Peace and Freedom Party from the June Primary ballot.
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News :: U.S. Government
Porter Goss: CIA Cyber and stock fraud ops damaged by leaks ?
05 Feb 2006
Tony Ryals
Ionatron that was a CIA investment that was 'touted' or promoted over the internet to increase demand and price of its shares that the CIA employee-investors then dumped on the market thus decreasing other investors share price,basically defrauding them...If the CIA wishes to use 911 to promote lesser civil liberties from now into the future perhaps they should at least pledge not to invest in and thus tamper with our stock markets.
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Muslim-Bashing and the Power of Cartoons
Back in the late 19th century, the political cartoonist, Thomas Nast, in NYC’s “Harper’s Weekly,” viciously attacked Catholics, the Irish and the Vatican. He crossed the line with those caricatures. The same can be said about the Danish authors of the 12 cartoons vilifying the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), the revered founder of Islam. The demonizing was, in effect, an attack on all of the Muslim faithful. The parties responsible should offer an apology.
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News :: Miscellaneous
News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/4/06)
Homeland Security announces "removal process" along entire US border.
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LOCAL Review :: Activism : Culture : Media : Miscellaneous : Protest Activity
Riot Folk Converge from Across the Country

Feb 3, 2006 - Baltimore, MD.
Riot Folk, radical musical poets, converged on Red Emma's Cafe from San Francisco, Maine, Boston and Minnesota to treat a large audience to honest messages of solidarity, self-reflection, history and hope.
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Caracas Libertarian Declaration // January 29, 2006
04 Feb 2006
CRA - El Libertario, Venezuela
Between January 23 – 29, 2006, anarchist activists gathered in Caracas for the Alternative Social Forum, coming from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Russia, Spain, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay and Venezuela. We consider it important to establish a specifically anarchist position that speaks to our experiences and exchanges. In such a spirit we declare the following:
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BTL:Campaign to Challenge Conservative Democrat U.S. Senator...
04 Feb 2006
Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus
...Joseph Lieberman Could Revive Party ~ Interview with William Greider, national affairs correspondent with the Nation Magazine, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus
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News :: Civil & Human Rights
04 Feb 2006
Sacramento Prisoner Support
After 3 weeks of being denied vegan meals, Eric McDavid is now on hunger strike. Please call the Jail persistently and request he be given meals he can eat.
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