News :: Globalization
Gen. Craddock on Failure of Corporate Globalization

Excerpt of testimony by General Bantz Craddock on the desparity in wealth caused by corporate globalization.
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Surely the "Hand of Allah"
News Junkie Scott's Blog (5/21/06)
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Announcement :: Labor
Free Books on the Internet
These two e-books could reinvigorate public discourse in a dry weary land resigned to its contradictions. Tabood subjects like inequality, distribution, infrastructure investment, wasteful consumption and militarism are discussed.
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News :: Environment
US Military Uses Dirty Bombs: THAT'S Why They Hate Us, GW!
Our Military Complex and the Bush Administration
has pounded into our brains that "they hate us for
our freedom". In foriegn countries, the news is not
that the US has "freedoms" that are detrimental
to other countries. Their news reports are on
subjects such as the violations of the Geneva
Convention by the US. Their news reports are
on subjects such as "Since 1991, the United
States has staged four wars using depleted
uranium weaponry, illegal under all international
treaties, conventions and agreements....".
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News :: Elections & Legislation
Immigration Setback Blacks, Poor Whites
20 May 2006
Stewart A. Alexander
The increasing number of immigrants entering the U.S. has been sanction by Washington D.C. to satisfy the growing demand from corporate America for cheap labor; and the failure of U.S. policy has been a setback for all Americans on both sides of the border.
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LOCAL Announcement :: Media
AMC2006 - Now Is The Time!
20 May 2006
Allied Media Conference
Allied Media Conference:
"From Truth To Power... because being right is not enough."
June 23-25, 2006
Bowling Green, Ohio
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Truth to Power - Death to George W Bush - The Johnny Wizard Conundrum
20 May 2006
Johnny Wizard
"Johnny out does himself again with yet another record breaking performance!"
"The Greatest Show of History, and he REALLY means it this time!
Oh my God I can't believe it even!"
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BTL:Special Forces Veteran Asserts The Iraq War Has Already Been Lost
20 May 2006
Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Interview with Stan Goff, retired Special Forces Master Sergeant and peace activist, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
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News :: War in Iraq
'Iraq War Conceived in Israel' author on Karen Kwiatkowski's radio program today (May 20th, 2006):
20 May 2006
'Iraq War Conceived in Israel' author on Karen Kwiatkowski's radio program today (May 20th, 2006)
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