Rich of the World, Enrich Yourselves!
18 Nov 2008
Mohssen Massarrat
Financial jugglers speculating with food, oil and other raw materials caused double-digit inflation and made staple foods like rice and wheat into luxury items for millions. Neoliberalism with one blow managed to drive nation states to the defensive.
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LOCAL Announcement :: Baltimore MD : Class : Economy : Labor
March & Food Drive for Hotel Workers on Nov. 18th!
Meet in Baltimore, Tuesday November 18th at 4pm, at the War Memorial Plaza (Holiday & E. Lexington)in front of City Hall.
Contact: Unite Here! Mid-Atlantic Region
410-659-2191 ext. 12
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News :: Labor
What's Going on at UGSOA? James D. Carney UGSOA President LOSES 710 members in one day.
17 Nov 2008
Their is an uprising going on at UGSOA as 710 Security Police Professionals working for the State Department in Washington D.C., Virginia, Maryland, Colorado, Kentucky, New Orleans, Connecticut, California, South Carolina, Arizona and New York voted to DUMP UGSOA as their collective bargaining agent on 9/10/08.
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Interview :: Economy
Financial Injections Ensure the Assets of the Rich
The money must be taken from those who profited from the past financial system. Thus a tax reform must be on the agenda. A state investment programs is also urgently necessary. The past growth model of global capitalism is in a structural crisis. A new economy must go beyond the profit logic.
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Announcement :: Baltimore MD : Labor
March & Food Drive for Hotel Workers on Nov. 18th!
Meet in Baltimore, Tuesday November 18th at 4pm, at the War Memorial Plaza (Holiday & E. Lexington)in front of City Hall.
Contact: Unite Here! Mid-Atlantic Region
410-659-2191 ext. 12
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News :: Activism : Economy : Globalization : International Relations : Protest Activity
Philippine social movements storm US Embassy
17 Nov 2008
Freedom from Debt Coalition (FDC)

Philippine social movements hit G-20 summit’s exclusivity, call for a new and democratic world order
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News :: Globalization : International Relations : Latin America : Military : Protest Activity
Thousands to Oppose U.S. Terror Training at SOA/WHINSEC SOA Watch
16 Nov 2008
SOA Watch media working group
SOA Watch | | 202/234.3440 |
Nov. 21-23, 2008: Converge on Fort Benning, GA

The annual November vigil to close the School
of the Americas at the gates of Fort Benning will follow the
election of President Barack Obama by two weeks. It will be an
opportunity for the progressive movement to push for the closure of
the SOA/WHINSEC and to set an agenda against oppressive U.S.
foreign policy, whatever the result of that election will be.
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News :: Activism : Asia : Class : Economy : Labor
Filipino Workers to heads of G20: Creating a better world order is no more your business
16 Nov 2008
Partido ng Manggagawa (Workers Party)

Relegating the world’s future to the hands of same leaders who created the current global economic crisis is a recipe to further disaster, according to Partido ng Manggagawa (Workers Party), a militant labor party in the country which joined hundreds of other protesters in a march to the US embassy this morning in time for the G20 Summit in Washington DC.
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News :: Activism
Attack on Zionist Jews at UC Berkeley-home of the free speech movemnet
14 Nov 2008
Zionist Freedom Alliance
Students attacked on Berkeley campus for expressing pro-Israel sentiment
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