BTL:Pro Choice Groups Declare War on Anti-Abortion Amendment in Healthcare Bill
13 Nov 2009
Between the Lines
BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine
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Announcement :: Labor
The Team is Real
Class Struggle in the Service Sector
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LOCAL Announcement :: Education
Annouceing the Occupy Everything Tour
12 Nov 2009
A group of students involved with the new school and NYU occupations, willing to give their experiences.
come to Maryland, occupy everything, doing being totally out of control and all that jazz.
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News :: Labor
UGSOA May LOSE Over 850 Members as Their Members Revolt by the Hundreds
12 Nov 2009
UGSOA Member News
What's Going on at the United Government Security Officers of America UGSOA? Why are hundreds of UGSOA Members Filing Decertification Election Petitions to get rid of UGSOA in recent weeks?
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BTL:Healthcare Bill Passed by House Fails to Deliver Real Reform
12 Nov 2009
Between the Lines
BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine
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The Rules of the Game, Not the Players
12 Nov 2009
Michael Heinrich
"In the last three decades, the financial markets have grown much faster than production.. The respective players (whether public or private) are not the problem but the rules of the game.. The goals and means of production must be redefined.."
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News :: Crime & Police
Mumia Faces New Execution Threat
Pending US Supreme Court Decision puts Mumia's life in danger.
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Announcement :: Activism : Asia : Civil & Human Rights : Elections & Legislation
Benigno 'Noynoy' Aquino for the next Philippine President
10 Nov 2009
AKBAYAN (Citizens Action Party)

An administration that shall not enter into any compromises with Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (GMA), her family and her cronies. A government that shall commit to reverse the political and economic damages wrought by the Arroyo administration. A political leadership that shall use its authority and shall exercise political will to introduce basic reforms that would restore our faith in our own capacity to lead decent and honorable lives.
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Will the Great Depression Be Repeated?
10 Nov 2009
D. Eckert and H. Zschapitz
Global trade fell 30 percent three years after the crash. The US gross domestic product shriveled 40 percent. In 1932, every fourth American was without a job. In Germany, industry produced only half of what was produced three years before.
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News :: Civil & Human Rights
PFP Candidate Alexander Propose Releasing 50,000 California Inmates
09 Nov 2009
Stewart A. Alexander
Alexander says the most efficient means to deal with California’s over crowded prisons would require state lawmakers abolishing the Three-Strikes Law and remanding more than 30,000 non-violent offenders to their original courts for re-sentencing; however, “that will not likely occur because a majority of the state’s lawmakers are more concerned with protecting and preserving the prison industrial complex rather than dealing with this serious threat to human health and public safety.
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